Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Lounging Around

Waking up in the morning and looking to see how the boys are sleeping always makes me smile. Peter with Daniel's hand on his head. 
I wouldn't be able to sleep with that. Well, maybe if it was Katharine's hand I'd think it was kinda cute. So check - boys are still sleeping, let's gooooo! 
Joseph joined us on a ride this morning. At 8:40 we were at the Jennis' & Loose Moose intersection, and that's where Joseph headed back down. He got his hour of cardio, that was good for him. Corey and I kept going up. There were a lot of clouds and mists on the mountains - 
We imagined we were biking in some tropical jungle in Costa Rica. We made it all the way to The Montage! It was so pretty and smelled so nice! I wanted to take the trail back down, but we had been gone for kinda long and Corey had to get to work (we started late) so we took the road. That was much faster, but I was sad to miss the fun descent. Oh well, we have time to get it later. I found a little bird in the gutter on the side of the road on our ride. It looked fine, poor thing! I picked it up and put it in the brush. 
Good to be in nature. We had one male butterfly emerge today. I took it down to the park like the females from yesterday, but first I went to show it off to the kids. Peter with the butterfly ~
Showing it to Lily by the pool on my way out - 
I was carrying Katharine with me to the park, and on my way NODP all wanted to join me. They didn't have shoes on, and I didn't want to help them get shoes or wait for them, so they came as they were, which complicated it a little bit as we went down the metal stairs with holes!
K took a nap after we got back. So while she slept, I registered kids for school & figured out Churchill carpool while Corey watched the kids at the pool. We are always texting back and forth to see who has who. Sophi Lily and Peter were in Wayne's room watching Mark Rober. They still haven't been willing to go on a ride, and we don't want to fight over it. Now I just got back from my turn watching kids at the pool, C's been working in room. Lily is hiding somewhere, watching tv or reading. Corey took a break and has the kids at the Mine eating otter pops. 
Cute Peter with purple lips. 
Playing Twister
The Mine is a nice feature for kids and adults. It's changed over the years. 10 years ago it was carpeted and a bit more loungy. The way they have it now is good though. Corey working behind them. 
We have enough places to lounge here. Good to have a hard floor. 

Peter going for left on red! Go Peter!!

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