Sunday, August 6, 2023

Sunday Snapshots

A few snapshots from church today: Pete saying a prayer in his class - 

A slide from Sunday School that inspired me to do better: 
"How do we feel the Holy Ghost? Read the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon bears witness of Jesus Christ like no other in print. The Book of Mormon is palpable evidence that Joseph Smith was a prophet." I want to do better (be more consistent) at reading the Book of Mormon everyday. I need to make a time and a place that I read. I need to make it a habit. Here's how my attempt went today:
This cute little bully came and stole my book and my red marking pencil. She is skilled at making simple things more challenging to accomplish. 
I'm glad that Katharine's feeling better. Her fever is gone. Corey's still sick. I'm struggling a bit with life at the moment. I want to do better at running our home but don't know how. I was feeling this way over two years ago (Our home = soccer stadium post) and I'm sure many other times before and since then. Yet here I am once again. Have I progressed? Am I learning anything? Is this just the struggle of life? Sigh. Sometimes I feel like it's the same old story of chaos and having a messy basement. I read a post on facebook by Worldschool Family about families that don't have a system. I know advertisers try to create a problem and then show how they are the solution to it, but even without this ad, I do feel/am aware that a smoothly running system is lacking in our home. I took a screen shot to help me follow up on myself to do something.
"Systems help your children learn adult skills. No need to nag, argue, or punish when you have a good system in place. Those chores you HATE - someone else can do them with good systems. ...Systems allow me to do WAY more than otherwise possible while remaining way LESS stressed than otherwise likely." There is a lot that we can improve upon, but I know there are also ways that we are doing pretty good, esp considering all that is on our plate. At scriptures tonight, Corey's been in our room most of the day, but the kids came in to talk to him for a bit before bed. 
Family scriptures and prayer is one thing that we're doing pretty ok at. I hope to add upon that with more good things. Summer vacation is almost over. I don't know if kids being in school will help or hinder my efforts. But it's coming whether I like it or not. I will enjoy these last two weeks of summer and we'll do our best to face the school year when it gets here.

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