Saturday, September 2, 2023

Family Picture Time

Well, we did it. We took family pictures. It was a bit of work getting it all together, which I expected, and which I shall now detail a little bit. Afterwards Corey treated all the kids to Handle's Ice Cream on 114th south.

Katharine not pictured above cause she was with cousin Rhyan. The kids did great, and I hope the pics turn out good. Ice cream after was just an excuse for us to spend more time with each other. We listened to Ethan share some of his heart's feelings for Bella. 

Inside - Corey treating everyone to a $5 waffle cone. Midnight madness is Abi's favorite. Mel and Wayne both got the black Cherry or something like that and shared a few bites with us. It was good. Wes getting his triple cone (actually that's just a regular cone I think).
Everyone's happy

So the pictures were with Corey's side of the family too - it was a mother's day gift to JeNeal that we wish we had gotten while she was still here, but we feel that she is glad that we still did it. Today was our best opportunity to get this done. I scheduled it a few weeks ago - knowing that Joseph was going to be gone in Guatemala when Hyrum got home, but would be arriving back on Aug 30, which he did (but you don't know with the Frontier fly for free pass...). Corey and Wes picked Joseph up - Joseph's BeReal - 
Joseph and Hyrum were able to give each other "how you been doin' the past two years?" hugs and we had a sleep over Wednesday night, and then Joseph loaded his belongings (which took a 2 week pit stop in our basement) and he headed down to Provo to move into his apartment on Thursday afternoon. Mel moved back down to Provo on Wednesday. Ethan's been down there all summer. Hyrum is here until he leaves for BYU Idaho next Friday. SO - since we're all in Utah for one weekend, today was the day to get family pictures done. It was quite a process. I've been working on outfit options all week, and of course today kids came in and suddenly had strong opinions about everything and I felt like we were starting over. Ethan was down in Provo thrifting and sending me pics asking my opinion. Abi was doing hair consultations and makeovers all day - 
JME came up together from Provo around 5 and pictures were scheduled for 6. Mel took a BeReal - we're all here!!
We went to the temple quarry for some individual shots and group shots - Kids talking as they wait their turn - 

Up the trail where the pics were being taken in the shade (There was a little too much sun...)
Kids climbing rocks - 
and sitting on rocks. 
And taking selfies on my phone. 
I don't know why we were all taking selfies, when we have a professional photographer taking pictures for us, but maybe they were all just feeling so pretty...
The the brother comes and photo bombs the pic - 
Silly faces all around - 
Ok, give me back my phone please... My turn. 
Katharine was being quite the stinker. She's probably crying in most of the pictures, like Lily did in 2014 pictures. And Corey was trying to get her to laugh by him barking like a dog, which made Katharine pant and stick out her tongue... lovely.
so yeah, we'll see how those pics turn out! Maybe Rochelle is able to work magic, cause K did allright in her individual pics, we'll see what she can do! Everyone taking selfies - 
Then we thought the sun was going down and we hurried over to Granite Park for some pics in the sunflowers, but just did a few group pics there. And a "Kids in a circle laying on the grass" photo, which the kids told me is "tradition"... Mel trying to get Katharine to cooperate with a few more selfies. 
And then it was too dark, and we stayed a visited for a bit more, and Abi took this one of Corey and I, with our favorite canyon behind us. We love biking the LCC. 
So then we went for ice cream with Wayne and Nancy's crew. After yummy ice cream, I took little kids home, Corey lingered a bit longer, and then JME headed back to Provo. I got home and took 4 chrysalides over to our friends' house before a one year mark tomorrow. Then it was time for scriptures. Hyrum shared that he felt a little nostalgic-y and sad as he listened to Ethan, when he realized that the longest years of time that they had together are in the past. They are each moving on with their lives. And as bittersweet as it is to move on, it would be even more sad to not move on and change. It would be more sad to stay the same. It would be more sad for Katharine to always stay a baby. We all need and want to progress and move forward. It's good. And thankfully, we believe in that we will have eternity together. So it's nice to believe that this life isn't all there is - there is forever ahead of us. It is all good and right. I might as well finish today off with a selfie of my own - way to go me, for making family pictures happen! 
It's been consuming my thoughts and dreams most of the week, so I trust I shall be able to get a good nights sleep tonight now that it's over. Pictures to come soon!

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