Sunday, September 3, 2023

Abi is 16!

Happy birthday to Abigail! My mom brought over 16 rich cupcakes from Sam's club for Abi's celebration. Let's light them up!

Turn off the lights for some ambiance - 
There is our 16 year old. We will soon have another driver! She is already a good driver, Corey had trained her, but she won't be official until she finishes driver's ed, which she was miraculously able to enroll in this semester at school, yay. Corey lets her drive almost every time they are going somewhere together. He is very kind and patient with the learning-to-drive process. My nerves can't take it. I agree she already is a good driver, even though I very rarely let her drive with me - it's nothing personal... I'm just a car control freak. But I think it was a good day for her, a happy birthday. She is going to Lagoon tomorrow with friends, and our paying for that counts as the present from us, even though that made us go over budget. The older kids didn't have school on Friday for a teacher work day, and tomorrow they all have it off for Labor Day. I'm grateful for every day off of school. I always want more days off. Hopefully we'll have some fun and also get something done around here. 

Corey went to mass in American Fork today, to translate for Father David. Corey is nice to him, even though Father D called Corey a moron for his beliefs. Not very nice, but we can take it. It's allowed for a lot of great conversations with the kids as Corey shares what is said in their emails back and forth.

update a few days later - Corey took Abi out for breakfast. He's such a good father.

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