Sunday, September 24, 2023

Fourth Sunday

We went up to Corey's brother's house tonight for a fire pit bbq. Since JeNeal passed, his sister arranged for us to all keep Wayne company on Sundays. Wayne eats Nancy on the first Sunday, Mark the 2nd, us the 3rd, and then on the 4th Sunday (today) we all get together at his house. But we did it at Mark's today cause Mark planned for a fire pit dinner. Mark did all the food prep. We cooked hotdogs and had cake for the September birthdays. 
Natalie looked cute roasting her hotdog. She borrowed those dress up glasses from Owen. She had a Harry Potter look in the black and holding up her stick like a wizard's wand. ...with a hot dog on it.
Natalie and Daniel playing chess. I like Mark's library. We might need more bookshelves at our house.
Enjoying dinner outside on their deck.
Joseph, Mel, Ethan and Bella all came up to join us for dinner. Mel with her favorite little person.
Singing happy birthday to Sophi. 
Ever since Covid, we've become aware of the germs spread by having people breathe on the birthday cake, so since 2020 we have them use a plate to wave out the candles.
Abi waved out the candles...
Hyrum joined in via fb messenger again... sorry Hyrum!
And Bella's has a September birthday too! She and Ethan waved out the candles together, since Ethan had a half bday two days ago. They had a party for him down at BYU - sent out invitations cut in half, had half a b-day cake, sang every other word in the song, funny. 
So it was good. It seems like we see the Wrides a lot, and we do, and it's good, but I would like to get together more with Hibberts. It's a larger crowd and a bit harder to get everyone together, even just the 4 of us Utah siblings. I'll try to put forth a more vigilant effort with that.

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