Monday, September 25, 2023

Little Books

Katharine was so freaking cute again today at violin! She was cute and happy the whole 75 minutes by reading her tiny books on the little fireplace ledge. 

Oh she is adorable. 

I loved watching her and took that 3 min video of her, Sophi and I just smiling at her cuteness. 

So that was delightful. I love being a mom. I love my babies and toddlers. I'm going to miss Peter when he starts FULL DAY kindergarten next year! <sniff> I wonder if I'll be content to just chill at home with Katharine or if she will want a playmate besides mom, or if I will be itching for some noise? Maybe we'll go on bike rides all day. I had an attachment for my bike, but it got taken off at the bike repair shop a while ago - Joseph took the bikes in and they said that wasn't part of the bike and he said he didn't know what it was, so they took it off and threw it away. I just ordered another one though and put it on my silver bike. Maybe I'll take Peter and K on a ride, since the fall colors are here and starting to enchant our mountains. On our ride this morning, I looked up, and there are those lovely fall reds and orange trees!

Beautiful. Yes, I think we'll go out for a ride. I'll give them a few books in the trailer and they should be ok for an hour I hope! 

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