Monday, September 4, 2023

Hibberts at Waterford

Tonight we planned a Hibbert get together. We thought we'd gather for some outside games - and as  happens with life, only my little brother Neil was able to make it, but we'll take what we can get! We met up at Waterford and had fun playing a good game of soccer. It was fun. Mikey wins for MVP I think - he is really good. Owen also did AWESOME. He was half the size of everyone playing, but he was fearless! He was playing defense, and he'd head straight toward the offense (which was usually Hyrum) and would take them on and he usually stopped their attack. Go Owen! Then we played ultimate frisbee. Joseph and Corey are INSANE at that. Corey'd throw it freaking far, and Joseph  was able to jump so high and catch all of his throws! It was fun. I'm not as good at Ultimate, but our team strategy was short throws, and we did good passing to every team player a few times, ha, and scored a few points too. Then it was getting dark, so we paused for silhouette pictures! Neil took a pic of our family - this was the first time Corey and I joined in the pic! 

Let's see if I can guess who is who... looks like we have, from left to right, by initials: DCOTw/KALNSWPHJM. Did yo get that? Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's how the line up was. Joseph and Mel came up on frontrunner, so everyone was is here except Ethan. That's a good representation! Then we did a few action shots - 
And then I took pictures of Neil's family. After I looked at our pictures and I laughed at Wesley in the picture above - like how did he do that?!? "You just jump and stiffen up." I took a video of him, and one by one his siblings came next to him -

Everyone else wanted a try too. 

It was so funny! Ok, EVERYONE!!! One - two, three... jump! Look they are standing in the air - 
Very fun. My nephews tried a few Super Mario brothers shots. We like taking silhouette pics at Waterford. It's a family tradition! It was good to be with family. I hope we're able to get together again before it snows!

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