Friday, September 29, 2023

Lego Castle and Wisdom Teeth

On Wednesday, Wesley was working on his mission papers. He needs to get a physical check up and get dental work taken care of. I scheduled a visit with our pediatrician at their earliest opening, which is October 13. Sweet. The dentist had earlier openings, as in the next day at 10 am, so Wes went in for a cleaning and x-rays yesterday. He didn't have any cavities, yay, but we learned that he has 3 wisdom teeth that should be removed. I didn't apply for JBR, cause I learned with Ethan that only 3 teeth means it's not as likely to happen. So I just called to schedule with the wisdom teeth guys for Wes. Like the dentist, they also had a "next day" opening and we booked it. Wes was not allowed to eat or drink for 8 hours before. His appointment was for 1:30 this afternoon. He did not get up at 5:30 to take one last drink, so he was hungry and thirsty all morning. He kept himself busy by working on his mini lego castle...
He was inspired to create this after recently seeing the Hogwarts mini castle. Wishing he could have it, then seeing the price and knowing that he won't be able to get it any time soon, there was a desire born. I picked up this book at the library on Saturday, not knowing of Wesley's lego wish.

This book taught him the basic principles of mini lego castle building, which he quickly mastered, and then he went to work to create his own little kingdom. He started this castle yesterday - I must say I am impressed with his work. 

He took a break to go get his teeth ripped out at 1:30. He was a little nervous to be put under the influence of their good feeling and liberating drugs. 
Scared, and nervously laughing... I took a quick pic and then I went to the waiting room. 
When I saw him again, a mere 10-15 minutes later, he was sitting in a wheel chair at the back door, having an imaginary battle with his invisible light saber. He was good, but acting very silly. He asked the nurse for her phone number. She said he was a bit too young for her. Undeterred, he offered to set her up with Joseph. I got a video of the first 5 minutes of our drive home, then I decided to do a family video call, and that was pretty funny, but no one screen recorded it, so it will just have to live in our memories. Let it be known that he loves us all SOOO MUCH. He loves Corey SOOO MUCH. He loves Grandpa SOOO MUCH. He loves Mel SOOO MUCH, etc. We got home, and his youngest siblings were a bit scared of how he was acting. Katharine and Peter gave him a hug after he kinda freaked out when they hesitated and withdrew. "Ok, fine, I'll give you a hug" they both seemed to say. That made Wes happy. He was happy for an hour, for several reasons, the primary reason probably being the drugs he was on. 
He went back to work on his lego castle. 
And a few hours later, he was emotionally and mentally back to normal, but was being a good patient and wearing his packs. 
His final work - 
Isn't that amazing?!?!
Wow! Wes is a master builder!
I hope he does have architecture in his future, cause he has a gift for detail and building things (pics 11 & 12). I'd like him to build us a home someday. 

A few other pics from today - Corey and I went for a ride this morning. The fall colors are beautiful ~Do you see Corey there on the trail? He's a bit camouflaged but he's there. 
After we finished the techy section, I took one more picture of the fall colors in the morning sun - so gorgeous.
The younger kids didn't have school today because it was a work day after parent teacher conferences. When we got back from our ride, Natalie was taking care of Katharine. Katharine was sitting in the chair next to Natalie, who was practicing typing. The steady rhythm of Natalie's secretarial typing skills had a hyptotic effect on Katharine, who was put to sleep by the tapping of the keyboard.

Owen was able to enjoy the mountains this afternoon too. He went with an "activity day" group of friends on a hike up to the Bell Canyon Reservoir. 
Katharine reading a book to help her have a bright future. 

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