Saturday, September 30, 2023

Soccer, Conference & Night Games

It was fun having some of the college kids here this weekend. Hyrum and Mel were here today, and we think Joseph and Ethan will be coming tomorrow. Today Hyrum took Owen and Daniel to their soccer game. After hearing of Owen's FOUR goals last week, Hyrum wanted to see his little brothers in action. Owen scored 3 goals today! (final game score was 3-4, purple dragons were 3) Lost the game, but they're still smiling!

Hyrum took a few videos that were really cute, like of Daniel taking a goal kick, with determination to really kick it far by throwing his hands in the air like a karate kid, ha! (It didn't work, but it was cute!)
We enjoyed listening to Conference. I went back and forth between our bedroom upstairs and downstairs in the side room. Upstairs - Katharine being cute!
In the side room, we set out sheets and blankets and then we brought up legos and Wes and I sorted as we listened, and the rest of the kids were building. 
We didn't make a ton of progress with the sorting part. Plus we still have a lot of bins to go. But that's ok. It kept the kids mostly occupied, aside from the sounds of legos churning. I hope the kids heard something useful. My favorite talk was from tonight - Sister Tamara W. Runia. It was so good, I loved it. At dinner tonight, kids were being their usual funny and clever selves, and it was making Wes laugh, which hurt him because of his swollen jaw from his wisdom teeth removal yesterday
They were mostly laughing at his blended up taco, which looked like vomit. Corey said he couldn't eat at the same table with someone who was eating that visual mess.
Poor Wes! He just wanted to have dinner like the rest of us! I told him he can eat throw up next to me. I don't mind. After dinner, and after the evening session of conference was over, the kids decided to go back to their childhood. Out in the dark, they played some night games (childhood memories from 20112013, 2015, good times) Everyone dressed in black to be able to hide better.
Everyone show your best ninja pose! 
Katharine standing there, not sure what everyone is doing, cute.

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