Saturday, September 9, 2023

Owen’s Baptism

We had the whole Utah gang together today for Owen's baptism today. 

Hyrum is currently the sole member of the Idaho gang as of yesterday, so we were missing him. Wesley took Hyrum up to Rexburg yesterday morning, since there were lots of orientation activities scheduled for this weekend. He was able to zoom in for it thought - it felt like he was back on the mission! It was a very sweet service. Owen was the only one in the stake to be baptized today. Owen dressed and ready.

His primary teachers were there. One of them, Diane, played the piano for us at the beginning but then she had to leave, so Mel played it the closing hymn and it was funny. She did better than any one else could have done, but we probably need to get a pianist in our family. His other teacher is my butterfly friend Terry. Terry had a male butterfly emerge today with bad wings, so she'll be taking care of it in her butterfly hospice habitat. She named it Owen Nelson after Owen, for his baptism, and President Nelson, who turned 99 today! That could be a cool way for Owen to remember his baptism date too - it was on President Nelson's birthday. Group pic after the baptism.

I had food at home to feed everyone after, and I took Owen to Smiths to buy a treat to share. He was excited to ride in the car cart. So he has gotten bigger, but it's obvious he is still a little boy by how excited he was to drive the car.
At home, Joseh, Ethan and Bella enjoying playing with Katharine. 
This morning Owen, Daniel, and Natalie all had soccer games at 9, but we told their coaches we  wouldn't make it today because of the baptism. And, since we didn't have to have them at games at 9, Corey and Joseph were able to go on a ride in Corner Canyon, I let J take my bike while I went on a 2+ mile walk. I also went by the school and did 3 passes on the monkey bars. Then Owen's baptism at 10 am. 

Yesterday Wes took Hyrum to BYU Idaho today, so I had to take carpool, but I did get in a ride yesterday around 2pm, just up the canyon here. Then date night Aubergine. A few pics from yesterday - Katharine playing with a toy dish in our room - 
The circumference of the bowl looked like a perfect fit for her two tiny feet. 
Pretty good balancing on a toy bowl!
That picture reminded Joseph of a principle that in order to keep balance on a bike, you need direction and momentum. Seems like there is a balance in life application there somewhere - direction (focus, know where you're going) and momentum (press forward, faith is a principle of action!) Wes tonight wearing a cowboy hat and making a marbleworks run for Katharine. 
He's a good kid. He's started his mission papers! Exciting.

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