Thursday, September 7, 2023

Simple Abundance

When Nicole was out here for BYU Education Week, she sent me a picture of herself book thrifting. She found a great book that she's wanted for a while. She read a little bit of the intro to me and it sounded so good, just what I've been thinking about - AND it turns out I have a quote from the author on my wall - it's the quote from 1000 gifts (end of this post) that I've had on my wall for the past 10 years! “Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend" - Sarah Ban Breathnach 

So then I was like "I need that book too." I put it in my Amazon cart, just so I could remember to get it, and then... I was at the DI on Aug 30, looking for clothes for our family pictures, and I thought I'd just go look at books for a second too, and look what I found! Tada!

I texted Nicole - "I got it!" Even better than Amazon - I got it now AND for cheaper and no shipping! Just $2 bucks! Nicole and I are going to read it together. A lot of things are coming together - life coaching, zion, simplifying, getting our thoughts right, and James Clear's weekly email newsletter from today was another one that just hit the spot of things I've been thinking about, especially his ideas #2 and 3:

II. “People spend a lot of time talking about other people’s bodies, gossiping about other people’s relationships, critiquing other people’s business, etc. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Work on your body. Nurture your relationships. Improve your business. We all have plenty to improve.”

III. “Many people view their habits and routines as obstacles or, at the very least, obligations to get through. Making the morning coffee, driving your kids to the next activity, preparing the next meal—we often see our routines as chores to be completed. But these are not moments to be dismissed. They are life. Making coffee can be a peaceful ritual—perhaps even a fulfilling one—if done with care rather than rushed to completion. It’s about the amount of attention you devote to these simple moments, and whether you choose to appreciate them or bulldoze through them on the way to the next task. Find the beauty and joy in your daily rituals and you will find beauty and joy in your daily life. To love your habits is to love your days, and to love your days is to love your life.”

Nicole and I are going to learn how to be simple, how to create good habits, and how to love the moments of our days each day! 

Katharine had her 15 month well visit today. She had an ear infection, might explain why she was a bit moody this past Saturday for pictures. She's doing better now. There are lots of butterflies being born and things are good. I'll give a butterfly update soon. 

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