Sunday, October 1, 2023

Conference Sunday

It was great having everyone home for Conference weekend. I listened, I didn't fall asleep, although kid interruptions did cause me to miss a few... I didn't take notes, but it was good. I plan to re-listen to everything. Hyrum and most of the older kids took notes, good job H.

But since they were sitting still to write, most of them also dozed off a few times. The house got a little messy as all the adults sat around doing nothing, and the little kids kept staying up and moving, doing what they do best.

We didn't continue the lego sorting project today. We stacked them up but didn't take them downstairs. The bins are all still up here. I need to clean up. The little boys have kept working on space ships and stuff all day.

Taking a break between sessions to play with Katharine outside. 

I spy with my little eye...
Then we had a big lunch - ravioli, curried potatoes, and a mish mash of other things. 13 kids around the table, plus one. 
The "plus one" is Ethan's girlfriend Bella. We like Bella. Here's a pic of them from Ethan's instagram.
Most of his photos there include her! Then we tried to have family bonding time with a few games, like Pictionary. Which was AP Pictionary with Katharine at the table. 11 years later and we're still taking AP classes! Never graduating... always teaching.
Then the kids did their bonding with videos and instagram reels. That's their new way to laugh together. For me as a kid, it was Bill Cosby. As the older kids great up (pre-instagram days) we laughed at Brian Regan and Studio C, but now it's Instagram reels via the Wride Sibs group chat, which I am not a part of. 
It's ok that I'm not included on that. I can see it if I want, I just need to log into their accounts on my phone. I wouldn't be able to keep up with the messages anyway, I have too many other things I need to do. I'm glad that they have each other though. You're welcome, kids, cause I did that! I birthed you all and thus gave you to each other, go me.

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