Thursday, October 19, 2023


Yesterday a neighbor invited us to come pick grapes if we wanted any for jelly or jams. I was going to go by yesterday but didn't cause it was a little crazy after school, but I was able to take the kids with me over there today. NOD have spring break, so no school today, tomorrow or Monday for the elementary kids. So we went over today to pick some grapes! I had lots of helpers. I could smell the sweet grapes as we entered their backyard. Sun shining on us. It is a lovely fall day.

Natalie, Katharine, and Daniel above, Owen picking grapes below. They all helped so well!
Katharine eating grapes!
She was our taste tester. 
We filled up our bowl, but the kids wanted to keep working, and Vaudys said she had boxes if we needed them, so Natalie went and got two boxes and they kept working. Transferred the grapes from bowls into boxes. The bees were enjoying the juice from the grapes the kids spilled and stepped on.
Natalie and Daniel still hard at work gathering. Katharine taste testing. It's a beautiful fall day. Our neighbors have such an amazing yard and garden, and a beautiful view to enjoy! Peter here blocking the sun from his eyes, Natalie still picking grapes.
One more shot of the grape vines.
Owen and Peter played a bit on our neighbors swing set, they liked the see-saw. 
Kat LOVED the swing!
I kept asking Katharine if we were done, she's sweetly say "Nooooo..." So I kept pushing her. I let out a relaxed sigh of "this is so nice" and Kat imitated me and layed her head on the chain. That was cute.
PRETTY GIRL! Still gathering.
After 20+ minutes on the swing, I convinced K to come jump on the trampoline. Which she liked, although theirs was not as springy as ours. 
I thought we'd be there 30 minutes, but we were there for over 2 hours. We came home with probably 40 pounds of grapes. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all of them! I have never made jelly or anything. I might just wash and freeze them. 
My kids love frozen grapes, so maybe I'll just do that? Although the grapes we usually use don't have seeds, so we'll see... 

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