Saturday, October 21, 2023

Little Monster

Katharine is a bit of a monster sometimes. She is just following in the footsteps of all her older siblings. Of course we all think she's sweet... but she does have normal baby moments. She is still nursing, and in my tired delirious state, it seems to me like she is nursing ALL NIGHT long. And she gets upset if I wake up in the morning and leave her to go make sure the kids are awake for school, or, heaven forbid, attempt to use the bathroom or something like that. She follows me... (love her bed head here - looks like devil horns!)

And make sure I know that I've broken her heart.
And that he is oh so very sad.
When Katharine cries in the mornings, it is very loud and she does not respond to me saying "Shhh!!!" or offering any consoling words "It's ok! I'll feed you!!" She is just very loud, as if she's trying to ensure everyone's sleep comes to an end. Or that they atleast know that someone has upset her, and y'all better come to the rescue STAT.
Sometimes Natalie jumps out of bed and comes to the rescue to see if K is all right. Natalie is a good little mother. No one else cares much, just Natalie and I. But I think Katharine is taking taking advantage of our kindness. It might be time for me to stand up to this child. Or atleast I need to read a parenting book again (Babywise) about how to get her to sleep through the night. sigh. But then, she'll be all sweet at breakfast. After having a good berry smoothie, you'd never know that she was a monster earlier.
That's a pretty good blueberry mustache.
Being sweet again, just writing quietly in a book. 
Had I not taken the crying photos this morning for evidence, people might never know the darker side of this one year old. 
So those pics were from yesterday. It's been a pretty normal weekend around here. Last Saturday was the end of the soccer season, so it's nice to not have that right now. We'll enjoy the break. Abi and Lily had GMS though. They took the bus and Corey left at 10 to take Sophi and Natalie to a Fall/Halloween Suzuki "Play In" thing. They were able to dress up in their costumes if they wanted. 
This afternoon, while Corey was gone with them for an hour, Wes took Owen, Daniel, Peter and Katharine to my parent's to gather apples. My mom had asked if we could use some apples. So they went over there to help gather them up and we got a nice big bin of tiny apples - perfect size for Katharine! Katharine in her costume too - 

Since Wes took all the littles, I had a WHOLE HOUR here at home alone! I read my scriptures and blogged a bit. It was nice. I could get used to that. Until then, I'm grateful to still be in this season of life and to be a stay at home mom here taking care of my cute kids (even if they are little monsters sometimes!) We are still able to get away enough to keep us sane. Weekly date nights are a priority. And there are lots of other times Corey and I are able to take a break. It's just usually never at home. But today after violin was done around 2pm, Corey and I went to Corner Canyon and did Anns, Edelweiss, and Rush with the Trees. Rush is so fun. We both got lots of achievements! Corey got PRs on everything on the climb! Most of mine were PRs on the descent. It is fun, I love biking especially in the fall. Glad we still get to enjoy a few more weeks of riding.

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