Friday, November 3, 2023

After Death

Corey and I went and saw the movie "After Death" tonight and we liked it. Ethan told us to go see it after he and Mel went to see it in Provo. We invited Wayne to come with us and it was good. We've all read a lot of near death experience books, so nothing on there surprised us. Corey and I talked afterwards and he said he wished that they had gone a little deeper into some of the things they shared, but we get it - it was probably targeting a more skeptic audience and inviting them to believe in God and life after death. We aren't in that audience, cause we already believe in those things. Most of it was standard for us, but we were really intrigued by Howard Storm's story. He was the art professor who had a medical emergency while visiting France. His near death experience started with him actually going to hell! So that is really interesting! He was an athiest when he died but said he was rescued from hell by Jesus after praying to God. Very cool story. Now he is a Christian and an ordained minister. We hadn't heard of him before, but he has a book, so I ordered that tonight - My Descent Into Death. We're excited to read it! I want to really read a lot of books this next year. I have so many, I need to start getting through them. 

So going to that movie was the most exciting thing from today. We went out to eat at the strip mall close to our house, trying a few dishes from Vessel Kitchen, A Curry place, and a dessert at Nautical Bowls. It was good. Other than that, today I organized spices (after Katharine got into the Cumin on the bottom shelf - so I organized them and put them in boxes on a higher shelf so she can't get into them. She is very good at getting lids off of things (shampoo, pill bottles, spices, etc.) Peter had a friend come over to play today, and they sat at the back door eating from the bin of apples that they picked a week ago at my parents' house. 
It was cute to see them on that step. It was a perfect little bench for them. Zach put his arm around Peter, cute.
And I spent time today preparing for my lesson on Sunday. Used Teaching with Power's video for Hebrews as my guide. Good stuff. And our butterfly Lucky is doing good! Cute little bug.

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