Saturday, November 4, 2023

Time with the Littles

It was a busy Saturday morning with getting Abi and Lily off to GMS. Corey took them to the bus and I'm glad they didn't miss it today. They have missed it the past two weeks, and that usually throws everything off. So I made sure they were up earlier today. Then Owen had a trumpet group class in Sugarhouse at 11. Corey took Owen to that and I was home on kid duty. Cute Peter was asleep on our floor with his stuffed dinosaur Tiny. 

Katharine snuggled woke up and came for me to hold her, then fell back asleep on me. It was a rare treat. She'll fall asleep nursing, but not cuddling. 

Lunch time - Katharine and Peter eating Mac'n Cheese with Lucky the butterfly on Katharine's finger. 
Today two important things happened for the little boys. One milestone for Peter - Corey taught Peter how to ride a bike without training wheels, and Peter is already a pro!

And today also marks the beginning of Daniel's music career. We toyed a little bit with him doing trumpet with Owen, and he did a little bit with the pocket trumpet with me telling him what to do with my limited knowledge, but saxophone will be better. It will be good for Daniel and his personality to have a live in music teacher (aka his father.) So Corey spent some time teaching Daniel some things on the soprano sax. Daniel is a little Ethan, a bit spunky and independent, so Corey said he needs something to bond with him with when Daniel is a teenager. (Good job thinking ahead, sweetheart!) Corey and I weren't able to do a morning ride because of all that, but did sneak away this evening at 4:30 after Abi and Lily were back to watch the kids. We like the Little Cottonwood Creek. 

The internet connection isn't good up at the top, and I took a BeReal yesterday but it never uploaded, so my loyalty to BeReal is waning. I'm taking a technology stand: If I can't count on that app to capture the moments, I won't use it. So BeReal, you are warned. Thankfully we go up there a lot, so I told Corey we had to re-do it with the forward shot of the creek above and a selfie.

It was a good ride. I got some more PRs on the descent! It's getting less scary to go fast. It might also help that there are less people on the trail, so we don't have to slow down for them. After we got back, Wes Abi Lily Sophi and Natalie went to go see After Death for the 7:45 showing. Corey and I went and saw it last night with Wayne. It was pretty good. I'm sure the kids will like it. I think death experiences are super interesting. NDE books were the first ones that caught my interest when I started to read books. (I was not much of a reader in elementary school or jr. high, but started NDE books in high school and college). We have quite a collection and had a lot of the ones from people that were in the After Death movie. While the older kids were gone, we spent more time with the little kids. Corey played more saxophone with Daniel and taught Owen some jazz stuff on his trumpet. They are going to form a band - the O&D Brothers. I got ready for my Sunday school lesson tomorrow. It is my first time teaching the class of our fourteen 11 and 12 year old kids. I made some study journals for them and am hoping to encourage them (and being more regular myself) to really seeking answers and writing down impressions. 

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