Saturday, November 25, 2023

Lucky and Music

Lucky the butterfly is one month old today. He eclosed on Oct 25, so good job Lucky! We didn't make a cake or anything, but if he makes is to Dec 25th, we'll throw a big party then. We came back from Park City yesterday morning. We let Lucky ride on the dash board. He liked that. Ethan said "He IS a lucky butterfly! How many butterflies get to see snow and live to tell it?" To which Wesley replied "Except he won't be able to tell anyone, cause he's all alone..." Well, maybe up in heaven, when all the butterflies are sharing their mortal experiences, most of them will be cookie cutter experiences "Yeah I migrated, mated, ate nectar on flowers... you?" And everyone will be the same, but NOT Lucky! 

"I lived with a human family! I was held by a child! They fed me and took care of me, they took me on vacation to Park City, I saw snow, I rode in a car, I listened to some sweet jams, it was good life." 
Katharine is not as careful with Lucky as she was with ones with bigger wings, so I gotta watch her. I am sad that he wasn't able to fly or migrate, but given his handicap, that wasn't a possibility. He seems to be doing great, still eats everyday, I hope he lives a long butterfly life. I guess it wasn't a "birth" day, that was in the caterpillar stage, and I didn't keep track of when that happened, but "Happy Ecloseday" Lucky! Back at home, looking out his window at the snow.
SO, we are back from Park City, and after that trip I have sad news. We lost Peter's toy Tiny. We could not find it anywhere when we checked out. I left yesterday around 9:30 to take Ethan to go meet Bella's dad somewhere, but I gave Melodie instructions to find Tiny, and Mel and the girls looked all over the rooms, checked the Mine and the lost and found, nothing. They filled out a "lost item" report and we're hoping he turns up! Ahh! Poor Tiny! I have NO IDEA how we lost such a big toy?!? I made Peter leave legos at home, cause obviously those would have gotten lost, but a big plus dinosaur?!? HOW did we misplace that?? The last I saw him was in our room, I was nursing K and used him to prop up my back. Ugh, I'm sad! Peter seems to be taking it well. Wes and I are probably more sad about it than Peter. He slept fine last night without Tiny, so that is good. I've been looking and looking online for what brand he might be. I bought him at Walgreens March 2022. He has been a faithful companion to our little Peter. Sigh, we might have to settle for a replacement. 
I've found a few that are cute (Little Jurassics Brontosaurus or this Allosaurus on ebay, Wesley likes this Bearington one) but I'm still sad. Putting those links here for myself in case I have to come back and buy one. We'll let Peter choose I guess. 

So, since we've got home yesterday, people have been napping, resting, not catching up on homework, and practicing music. They have been practicing for the Christmas dinner party at our church next Saturday. Should be fun. Abi and Melodie practicing Claude Bolling's "Black Folks"
Video here - 
Corey and Ethan playing Cruisin' For A Bluesin' - 
And one of their run throughs - 
They've invited older kids who are off at college now to come back and play music for the entertainment. It's been fun listening to them play. But yeah, we've mostly been sitting around chillin'. Corey and I went on a date last night to Aubergine (I got the wild fish and Corey got the teriyaki bowl, and brownie layers of course) and when we got back, the kids had cleaned up the whole house, yay. I told them we can put up Christmas decorations after the house is clean. I thought they'd want to do it today, but they are waiting until tomorrow. So Christmas is almost in the air around here. We are thankful for a nice Thanksgiving break. Three weeks of school and then everyone will be chillin' here again for Christmas.

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