Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sabbath Service

Owen and Daniel were the reverence examples at church today.
This was an idea that started after a Relief Society discussion on Elder Holland's talk about reverence before we take the sacrament (April 2019). I was reading Atomic Habits at the time, and that book talks about having visual reminders to help us when we're trying to make new habits. I think it was me that suggested having children being reverent up on the stand. It got back to the primary, and we started having reverence examples shortly thereafter. 
Abi has a nervous/mindless habit of picking her split ends. Sophi caught her on camera. Guilty!
Abi doesn't deny that she does it. I do find it to be a habit that is distracting to people around her. Whenever I see her doing it I tell her to stop. SO! Exciting news from today - we found TINY!!!
He wasn't left at Park City! He had been packed in Peter's backpack, but not packed up when we were leaving, it had been packed up a few days before, which is why we hadn't seen it up at Park City and were sure it had been misplaced somewhere up there. Mystery solved, yay!
We're glad Tiny is back. Sophi and Natalie had a service concert this afternoon at a elderly care home that is close to Corey's parent's house. 
It was good for them to go there and perform for those sweet people. That is a good thing to do on the Sabbath day.
And after that, we played "Bank" - a game Jerusha introduced us to last week on thanksgiving. It was fun! And you just need two dice and your phone. I like it when the kids play games. I have a lot of games. I think I buy them to re-create the memories I had playing games as a kid. And now we have a lot of game we don't use, which means clutter. We don't play games very much, but I'm glad we did today.
I hope we play games more often. If we don't I'm going to need to start clearing them out. Lucky is doing good. He joined me in my scripture study today. Sucking honey water off of my finger. Cute little guy. 
Enjoying some sunshine. 
I feed him atleast twice a day. 
He's a sweet little butterfly.

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