Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Park City Blogging

We are up at Park City. Our kids love it here, and we like it too. I'm glad that this place holds such great memories for our kids. 

Yesterday was a school day, and I worked hard at home. I had told the kids Monday night that bedrooms had to be clean before we would go, and after they got home, they finished cleaning things up. Since they all earned it, we had to figure out car arrangements. We took the bike rack off of Corey's car (sniff) and prepared to pack up. We could go up by taking two or three trips, but if we planned it well there would just be one trip for each car. Hyrum wasn't arriving from Rexburg until 10 pm. Joseph and Ethan were busy in Provo until then, so they were going to go with the later car. Wes still had work he could do, and would be more productive here at home than in Park City, so we decided to have him stay to make things fit in the cars. With that decided, Melodie left with Corey's car full of kids, ALSNODP, and Corey and I stayed home with Wes and Katharine and waited for the college boys to arrive (Melodie came home last night). Hyrum's 10pm got pushed to 10:45, then 11, finally 11:30. Melodie sent me a message asking if I had another van key, cause she had one of them. Doh. I had spent $300 so we could have an extra key, but we've misplaced it somehow. I looked through snow pants and snow coats... I was hoping that it had been left there, but no luck. So Mel drove back from Park City to bring the van key, and then since Hyrum was so late, Corey and Wes left with Mel and Katharine at 11. I was hoping K would be able to get to sleep at a decent time, rather than being in the car with me at midnight. I played the violin for the first time in months while I waited for the boys. I did Suzuki book 1. Gavotte is still tricky for me. I grabbed things that the kids forgot: Wes's body wash, L's swimsuit top, Sophi's swim goggles, etc. The boys were all here at 11:30, we loaded up, left at midnight, and joined everyone at Park City at 1. I'm feeling like I need a nap... I didn't sleep in. I got up  early and arranged an oatmeal bar with apples, cinnamon, candied pecans, oatmeal, cinnamon and raisin oatmeal, brown sugar ~ THE WORKS! while the boys colored with Lucky the Butterfly watching on. I also made some yogurt pies for Thanksgiving tomorrow - vanilla, raspberry, and blackberry. I think I might offer them up as a desert tonight, cause tomorrow there will be 5 other pie options, so they would be more valued if we have them tonight, so I think I'll do that. 

After breakfast, I took the kids swimming. I took Katharine, and ALSN brought down the little boys. Joseph joined us too. Corey was up in the room talking with the older kids and his niece. I did a few laps swimming. I didn't take any pics cause I was in the water. Katharine isn't as heavy to hold in the water, so that was nice. We stayed in the pool until 12, then back to the room for a shower, lunch, and we were talking with Ethan and Hyrum. 

Now I'm taking a time out to blog - hiding out somewhere on the 6th floor. I took one of my extra BeReals from yesterday (cause I posted on time) and then BeReal went off so I took another one of me here enjoying quiet time. 

I still need to finish Aug Sept Oct and November. Ethan, Bella, and Mel are taking the kids swimming and Corey and Hyrum are going to the gym, and I'm going to sit here and try to keep typing away. Lucky is up here. He's a pretty easy pet. He likes the sunshining through the window in the mornings. 

He's a good little butterfly - doesn't make a mess, is a light eater, stays put (don't keep in him a cage, he just sits there looking out the window.) I was a little nervous last night that I'd forget him, so I put him by my keys and that helped. Also this is a cute pic from yesterday - Mel gave Katharine her phone when BeReal went off so K could take the pic, which she did. And she also typed a description all by herself! 

JjakA dorright m - sounds like Katharine's cute jibber jabber to me! It is 2:50 pm right now. The plan is for a Wride group spaghetti dinner around 5-6, then Chalane has an activity for us to make a Christmas tree and ornaments for JeNeal's grave, and then tomorrow we're skipping breakfast, and having our first Thanksgiving feast up here at 12, then going down to the valley to join Hibbert for our second feast at 4pm, then games in the gym for the rest of the night, then drive back up here probably, then we check out from here on Friday morning (maybe some of us will stay in the valley). 

Update: 11:33 PM, yay I finally finished August! We had a nice dinner together and then everyone watched Mission Impossible: Fallout. I haven't seen it, the kids all loved it. Wes "It was INTENSE!" but I stayed in here blogging away and I'm glad that I got it done. I'm glad they had fun watching it together. Everyone was there except for me and Katharine. Wes just said it's a little sad that I missed out on that memory because I was in here recording memories. BUT if I had been in there, K would have been in there too, and I bet she would not have been interested in the plot, so Corey or Wes would have probably missed out if I had brought her in there. It's ok for me to miss out now and then to try and get the blog's head above water. Wes was just laughing as he gave me a few one liners that happened: Abi saying "Wait... is he a BAD GUY?!?" Ethan replies sarcastically "Let's pause the movie and talk about it!" Then clarifying "All these questions will be answered!" Ethan is really clever and funny. Bella was up here today and she used her makeup to darken Ethan's mustache that he's been growing out over the weekend, funny! 
Eth makes a good Guy from Galaxy Quest, ha! Guy Fleegman, or perhaps Goose from Top Gun? Ok, well, it's 11:41 and I was up past 1 am last night and I did not take a nap today, so I'm going to bed now. Happy Thanksgiving!

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