Monday, November 20, 2023

Church & Stuff

Picture of my kids at church yesterday. They are cute. They do a pretty good job of sitting still and listening. I only recently started bringing cheerios for Katharine.

Yesterday it was my turn to teach my Sunday school for 11-12 year olds. It was on the book of James. Good stuff. 
I found a few pictures of 

I've misplaced my scriptures somewhere... so I was a little sad about that, about not being able to read and mark up the quad that I've been using for Come Follow Me for the past 3 years - for all of the Doctrine and Covenants, the Old Testament, and New Testament up until recently. Sad, I shall keep looking. 
Peter had a terrible #2 accident yesterday. I'll spare you the pic, but I did take one. Ok, actually I will put it on here, but it will be at the end. Not the worst mess I've ever seen in a bathroom (that award goes to Sophi), but still very nasty and gross. I don't know how one does this, but he went #2 without lifting up the toilet seat lid, so it was all over the lid. He was trying to clean it up by himself and was not having much success, poor kid. I smelled an accident, found him, and helped fix it up. His poop is very potent, so my hands were smelling the rest of the day even after several washes and lotion-ing up. Bleach, vinegar, and some essential oils finally took care of it. We had a fun visit with the kids last night. 
Hyrum said he feels like he's still on his mission kinda, since he is the one that is away(up in Rexburg) and we are all here. Joseph shared this picture of Chat GPT not being able to write the Book of Mormon under the same constraints and circumstances that Joseph Smith did. Funny! 
They are such good kids, it's so fun to have them when they are little, and I also love seeing the awesome adults they are growing into. Ethan sent me the nicest voice message yesterday telling me how grateful he is for us. I should transcribe it, but until I do, here is an unlisted link - I took a screen recording of it. It made my day. I feel like, when E was a teen, I told myself that he was really hard, and in ways he was, but in lots of ways we were a uptight about stuff. He got parents 1.0 version. I'm glad that we've upgraded ourselves and gotten better with experience, and I'm also glad that our lack of experience and mistakes we made didn't seem to cause permanent damage on him. Anyway, his message was so nice, it made my heart happy. 

Today we've kinda been getting ready for Park City - telling the kids they need to clean up their rooms before we'll go. Instead they made forts. They are testing me to see if I'll stick to my threats. 
We're heading up there tomorrow evening. Hyrum won't be here until 10, so I'll probably stay behind and wait for him. I have been stressing out about tires on the van, and wanted to get some before we went to Park City, in case it snows, but we didn't do it. I did go to Costco on Saturday and figured out how to schedule an appointment, so then I ordered the tires, which you have to do before you schedule an appointment, and now that is schedules for December 9th. Forecast looks ok, I'm hoping it doesn't snow just yet, although it is going to really get cold this week. Cute Katharine today, playing with a tiny baby swaddled tight and feeding it with a lego bottle. Cute.
Natalie gets to take her Native American diorama to school tomorrow that Abi helped her make, with the little calico critter babies being bbq'd. She's excited. Ok, that's it! Looking forward to Park City. Too bad there won't be biking, sniff. Aaaand - Poop pic below, don't scroll anymore if you don't want to see it. That's a mom's life!

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