Monday, November 13, 2023

Reading in the Rocker

At violin today, K was so cute with how she was kicking back in the rocking chair and relaxing as she read. I took a short video of her. SHE IS THE CUTEST!

I just love watching her explore and discover the world. 

And it's fun to see Peter show her new things and teach her! I'm glad that my kids all have each other! Sophi and Natalie have a solo recital this Saturday. Just a regular day, waiting for exciting things to come! Wesley's call should be here either tomorrow or next Tuesday (they usually come on Tuesdays). Pretty exciting as he's coming up on this next chapter of his life!

Our pet Lucky is coming up on his 3rd week of life as a butterfly on Wednesday. I picked a flower for him today on my walk. 

Put it through a sponge so he doesn't fall in the water. He holds on pretty well. He's a good little butterfly.

So not much going on. We're trying to figure out Thanksgiving next week. We have been invited to go eat with Jared and Jersh and their family at a chapel near their home, but we'll be at Park City, which is fine - I was thinking we'd come down Thurs and make food to contribute for the Hibbert meal and maybe eat with Wrides on Wednesday, since we'll already have been with them, but there's been some feelings expressed that they want us to be there Thursday, so we're trying to make two thanksgiving meals work I guess, not my ideal, but I don't have to eat two meals if we're there for both, I can just do one. I'm sure the kids wouldn't mind eating two. It's all good. 

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