Sunday, November 12, 2023


We had Stake Conference today. Kids usually take my phone, even Katharine. I usually know who has had it by the photos taken. Katharine is becoming quite proficient at photographing feet. 

I was with her in the primary room for a while, and walking the halls. In the halls I saw a few pics of my kids from some stake activities. Hi Abi! Hi Wes! (at a 16+ youth activity at the Stake President's house)
And a Youth Olympics thing that Wes helped organize, as he was on the Stake Youth committee. They played Gaga ball (thanks to Uncle Neil for introducing us to that game!)
Lucky is doing good. Took him outside for some sunshine today
So, Hyrum has been down here in Utah with three friends from school - Aly, Piper, and Nic. Hyrum and his friends were here to go to the Orem temple open house, went to the Provo City Center temple to do baptisms.
Hyrum's friends, Nick, Aly, and Piper
Driving down. 
They came to our Stake Conference today and then joined us for lunch/dinner. It was nice to visit with them. After feeding and entertaining kids, Corey was especially feeling a bit exhausted from fatherly duties, and I found Corey reading Escape from Camp 14 in our bedroom. He looked at me from behind the open book and said "It could be worse..." 
We usually feel exhausted on Sundays (everyday actually) and so it was nothing personal, but I think we scared them away. I had suggested Hyrum take his friends to see the Temple Quarry, which we often do with guests, and they were nice enough to take the little noisemaker boys with them so they could run around, and then Wes went along to help watch the littles, and Abi was here with Katharine. Seeing our frazzled state, Abi took Katharine out for a walk, and she was out there when they were all coming back from the quarry and she suggested we be given more quiet time, so then they went to the school park and then they jumped back inside to grab their back packs but that was it. They headed back up around 4. It would have been fun to talk to Hyrum more and visit with his friends, but it was good to see him even if it was just for a bit. And the break when they were all at the park was really nice. We appreciate getting a little rest on the Sabbath now and then.

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