Saturday, November 18, 2023

Solo Recital & Watercolor Paintings

Tonight was a night of music performances. Sophi and Natalie had a violin solo recital tonight. 
Note to self: upload their videos later to youtube. 
And Corey took Abi and Lily to their GMS Fall concert which was at the same time. 
Divide and conquer.
I think Corey was able to listen to the performance.
I really didn't see much of the recital because of this cute little monster. 
She was semi-tame once she got a cookie in her hands! I missed seeing most of the performers, cause I was watching her run around in the hall, but I did make it in for Sophi and Natalie. And while we were in the hall, I was able to enjoy a Utah Watercolor Society's art show that was on display in the Holladay City Hall. 
I must stay I was inspired by their artwork!
I want to paint. 
It wasn't all flowers, but those tend to be the ones I like the most... all the nature-y things.
Yeah, I want to paint, and I want to play violin... I really haven't practiced much since Katharine was born. 
Maybe I'll start learning when she goes to kindergarten? So in 3.5 years? No, I don't need to put dreams or talents on hold. I can find 15 minutes a day... I should atleast try to keep up with what I learned so far in Books 1 and 2, even if I don't learn more pieces right now. 
As for painting... I might need to wait until kids are all in school for that, or I need to find a room that I can lock up and keep kids out of. More nature pics...
Whole food paintings... cute pears that are a little abstract-ish. Looks like this one got a ribbon award.
Garden still life - 
Someday I could put together a still life of things I like and paint things for the kids for Christmas presents or something.
Yeah, so I stayed out in the hall, looking at all the paintings, and taking pics of my favorites, to gather inspiration for myself.
I could paint pics of places we've been ~
So there are the art ideas I had. I have taken lots of photos like that over the years, but usually haven't blogged them, so they are all just who knows were in a file on some computer. With these ones here, maybe I can actually use them to help me paint in 4 years or so. After an hour of that, the recital was done and everyone took a bow. 
Good job Sophi! Good job Natalie! I hope someday to be as good as you both are!
Owen and Daniel and Peter came with us, and they sat in there for most of the time. Daniel and Owen came out to watch K when the girls were up. Wayne came right as Sophi was going up, so that was perfect timing, and it was good to have an adult to sit with them while we waited until the end, then it was time for coooookies! It was worth the wait. 

Other things going on at a home - Natalie was working on her Native American exhibit this weekend. Abi helped her. She was doing it on the Chumash Indians and she made a little display of calico critter babies being bbq's by barbies. 
Peter and Daniel have been sleeping in a fort for the past week. Wesley made it. It is working out well, cause with Peter in the fort on the floor, the other boys each get their own bed and the boys are all in the room together. 

Sometimes Daniel is in there too, so we have an extra bed. If we keep this up over the Christmas break, and maybe have Owen sleep in the fort too, that will work well for us to have beds for Joseph Ethan and Hyrum to sleep in.

Katharine is in her own bed a little bit, we're just starting... she does usually still end upback in our bed by morning.

Lucky is still alive and kicking. Eating honey water off of my finger ~

And I'm trying to clean my desk in the laundry room. Moving my books all on the top shelf might work... trying to sort out what I have into categories: coaching, weight, health, gospel, visualization, goals, art, etc etc.

Katharine at the computer, cutie. 

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