Saturday, December 9, 2023

A Saturday In December

The van got new tires today. Good job, van. It snowed a little bit last night. Corey drove it to Costco and it made it successfully out of the neighborhood. I'm glad that I won't be nervous about a blowout when I drive it anymore. The van still has a few issues. The back right side door broke 2 years ago, and since it was $2000 to buy the motor to get it fixed, we've just had that side be a manual door, which is fine. The kids are all used to it, so no biggie. A warning light that says "side door" is on all the time to let us know that something over there is not working. Another weird thing that started probably early 2023 was that the light for the drivers door says it's open, even when it's closed. So some sensor there is broken, which is fine, but it always leaves that red informant light on, and also a little door light, that lights the floor when the door is open or closed, is always on as well. And music in the van still plays with a 3 second delay, which is only annoying when you're trying to read the lyrics, but they scroll up out of view before the audio of the song gets to it. Thankfully that glitch does not happen with phone conversations. That is all the issues with the van at the moment. I'm glad the bald tires are taken care of. Good job me finding the right tires (235/65R17) and figuring out how to order them and how to make an appointment with Costco tires (they don't usually answer the phone).

So I got Abi and Lily out the door to GMS. They made the bus, we caught it at the post office, then I came home (even though I was ready to go climbing, I decided to not abandon Corey) and I did the dishes while Wes made breakfast. Kodiak cakes are his favorite. He loves them "so much." He makes enough for everyone. Katharine with her monkey, enjoying some cakes.

Then Corey took the van to Costco and got food for this next week and for a family gathering tomorrow with the Stokers. And we did an amazing job making a list of what we needed and sticking to it. We've done really good at budgeting this past month! At home - Natalie got Katharine dressed up in this cute pink dress that used to be hers. It's a little large (size 3T) but it fits well enough length wise. Natalie wants us to have a ball, and is always getting K ready, just in case today is the day. I told Natalie let's try for over the break. Katharine was skipping along and twirling around in this dress. And here she was playing with the sunshine on her hands - "Now I've got it..."

"Now I don't!"
She is just delightful in so many ways. One moment today that I shared with the college kids - I was changing her messy diaper, and I said "pooooopyyyyy...." and then she made me totally laugh when she said in her one year old way "Where are you?" I said my line again "Poopyy...." her reply "WheAhhUu?" Wes told me tonight that he taught her that, from once when they were wandering around the house looking for me "Mommy?? Where are you?" So that was soo cute and super fun, here is the little recording of it that I shared with them where you can hear her adorable voice. She is our little princess.
I stayed home today and cleaned the boys room and sorted socks. I cleaned the girls room too and arranged it so Wes could take his Government final. Another class checked off for him, yay, go go go Wes! He's got 6 weeks left and 6 classes? I was home with K while Wes did that, and was able to keep her out of the room he was testing in. Corey took the boys climbing, but it was just a short outing, cause they had to leave to go to Lily's recital at 4. After they got back, I had a meat pie ready, and I snuck out to go to the temple. Corey had turned on a movie when I was home, something to keep the boys quieter. It was a show called Leo which took us all by surprise, but parts of it we quite enjoyed, like when the girl was being sung to to stop crying. The kids all liked those lyrics and we probably need to learn that song so we can use it around here! I don't fully endorse everything about that movie, but parts of it were really funny.

And Lucky is still around and is a sweet little creature. Some sad news for him though - he lost part of his front left leg sometime during the night. Maybe if he fell down and was flapping around in his enclosure and banged it off? Here he was enjoying some sunshine today. 
I put him by the window in our bedroom around 3 so that he can enjoy the evening sun. 
It's cute how he spreads out his little wings to soak up the sunshine. I hope it makes his existence a little less boring. And now it is 11 and everyone is still up. I took little boys climbing around 9pm. They were running around crazy and Corey needed them gone. Unfortunately, bringing them made Wes not want to come. He said he'd rather do math than be at the gym with them. And I get that. Lily could tell I was a bit unexcited as well, and she was with them most of the time. They were good. Other than right after we got there and put on our shoes ready to start climbing, I had to take them off and Peter's off cause he had to use the bathroom. 

My main goal for tonight was to do that last red V1, and I did it, so now I've done all the V1s. I learned today that you can search the climbs on Kaya by level of difficulty. I searched the V1s - there are 12, and I had done all of them except for that red V1. I was glad I did it today. Took two tries. Now it's onto the V2s. There are 22 of them and I've done 10 so far. Something to work on this next week! I'm going to go brush their teeth and kids boys to bed now. It's late, I predict that we're going to struggle getting up on time for church in the morning. G'night

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