Monday, December 11, 2023


Well, I don't know about you, but I'm kinda exhausted from all the Christmas cheer that's been going on this month. I don't want to go to any parties or eat any more treats, do any more service or wrap any more gifts... bah humbug. My scrooge is here. Maybe if I do enjoy this few hour break though, I'll be able to face another week. I am here alone because Corey insisted I take a break. We have the gathering with the Stokers tonight. I was planning on going and having Corey stay home so HE could have a break, but at church today, as he took Peter and Katharine home cause they were both coughing, he saw my defeated face, and he said I should stay home. I stayed at church with the kids, helped out in Primary (singing the obligato with Natalie to "Christmas Bells") then went to RS, stayed after for tithing settlement with the kids, then a violin choir practice of Joy to the World (I need to practice getting the bowing right! We're in a violin choir that is playing Joy to the World for the Christmas Eve sacrament meeting program in two weeks) then I came home and made a delicious Thai sweet potato soup, for an hour, then made two salads as our contribution to tonight's meal. I signed up for a soup AND two salads AND DESSERT cause I was trying to prove that I participate and contribute! I'm not just a drag on family functions. I signed up for more food this year than anyone else. On Friday I had made two yogurt pies for the dessert, but since I was staying home, I only sent one and sent down a neighbor gift we just got, some chocolate piroulines instead of pie #2. (cause I wanted some pie.) Ugh, what did I just say? I just said I don't want any more treats, but then I go and eat half a pie. So let's see what is really going on in my head and heart at the moment: I think my raw emotions are: I'm tired of concerts, I'm tired of rehearsals, I'm tired of being on the go, so I might just be tired. Maybe it was just a crazy busy exhausting week, and so it's totally normal and expected that I would be spent and need a little bit of a real day of rest. 

So here I am. Relief Society today we talked about joy, and how Jesus Christ is our Treasure. I listened to this talk by Elder Renlund three times yesterday "Jesus Christ is The Treasure" as I cleaned and as I drove to the temple (initiatories). I'm holding on for joy.

Well, it's 5:20 now. I just woke up from a nap. Part of me hates that when I do actually have time to get something done, I usually just collapse from exhaustion and don't get ahead on life. 

7PM - the family is on their way back. Last year's party was Hawaiian themed. This year it was candy cane. I don't have pics. Maybe I'll get some from Corey later. Almost 7pm now. I don't have any pictures for today. Maybe I'll wait to post this until tomorrow.

Monday - Hello. Violin today, and an IEP meeting this morning for Owen for his speech therapy at school. He needs help pronouncing his Rs, so that's what he's working on there. Picture of Peter eating his PB&J today. So here's the pic for this post - 

For as long as I can remember, I have written the kid's name initial into their jelly. Not sure why I started that, but it's a tradition that has stayed. Peter won't eat it unless it has a "P". Cute. Tomorrow is Mel's birthday. I didn't go buy her anything, but we're going down to Provo to take her out to eat. Might slip her some cash too. 

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