Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Angel Tree & Service Concert

At Thanksgiving last week, Corey's dad Wayne told us that he'd like for all of us to do an Angel tree together. He went to pick out tickets for what items were needed, and then he arranged to take his grandkids out to buy the items. Tonight it was our kids turn to finish getting the gifts. 

They went to deliver the gifts, and now we're done! Wayne sent us this text that I loved: 

"All of our Angel tree shopping for the year is done. The gifts have been delivered to the Cyprus Credit Union.  We arrived there shortly after they closed and had to knock on the door to get someone to open the door in order to deliver the gifts.  We were asked for an estimated value for each of the 4 bags we dropped off and where things were purchased.  My guess is that together we donated between $300 and $350.  I told Corey's kids that we all have a lot of stuff and we all do not need more stuff, so instead of going out and buying still more stuff, with the families help we would donate most of what i would spend for stuff for the grandkids to a charity to help some kids who did not have much stuff.”

Yes, yes, and hallelujah yes! We DO have a lot of stuff! And yes, WE DO NOT NEED MORE STUFF!! Let someone else have it, and if that can count for us not getting it, hallelujah. Corey and I have not started shopping or doing all the run around of buying things that tends to go along with the Christmas holiday. But I also don't want to and don't plan to. But... we haven't figured out officially what we ARE going to do as gifts, so hmm... thus this text from Wayne was a great start. After reading it, I texted the college kids: "I think we could have similar approach to gifts? We have so many legos downstairs, it could be fun (yet I know it would be challenging) to try and re-build some of the sets we have to give to the little kids?" They agreed that that is a good idea, so I'm really hopeful that none of them feel the need to buy us stuff, they are all poor college kids anyway - I'll take a coupon book for them cooking or cleaning over the break when they are here at home - just help us contain the mess we already have, please don't feel the need to add to it! Wayne sent a few other pics of the kids - Natalie posing at Walmart. She could be a future model! She just needs to not smile... look more bored, Natalie.

Dropping off the gifts at the credit union.
Good job kids. I hope we are able to give to others who truly are in need, rather than get more things for ourselves. I do need to get Daniel some Sunday shoes though. He's been wearing black water shoes for a few months, doh.
We also did some other service today - I left at noon to check Sophi out of school, then to the elementary school to get Natalie and Owen, then we drove to Jordan Valley School - a school for special needs kids, and they did two Christmas performances for the students there.
Of course Peter and Katharine tagged along with us. Trumpets on the left, violin choir on the right. It was similar to the concert they did on Sunday, only not as long. For this one, the last song they did was Joy to the World.
Owen, as a beginning trumpet student, only had two songs he did - Pat a Pan, and Jingle Bells. 
Peter was excited to be able to shake some bells during most of the songs!
Katharine was pretty good. I brought fruit snacks which got us through the first performance. She tried to steal the pianists water bottle. We spent most of the second performance out in the hall, where she was hanging on the railing, playing with the water fountain, hitting the glass windows, running up and down the hallway, and licking the walls. Nice. 
Lucky is still hanging in there. I gave him some sunshine time today. He seems to really like that. I hope it's not torturing him though - to see the sun and probably feel an instinct to fly toward it, but to not be able to. 

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