Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Homemaker Challenge

Went on an afternoon walk yesterday (Abi was home sick). Took my own sweet time and was out for 1 hour 38 minutes, 4.61 miles. 

I even did the last 45 minutes barefoot. There was a little bit of snow on the ground, but it was a slightly warmer day and I thought it would be fun to walk up the steep sandy hill barefoot, and it was fun! I was "grounding" haha. 

I was listening to a podcast that Nancy forwarded on grief by Anderson Cooper. It was pretty good, adn just made me so grateful for the gospel and for our beliefs for the next life. Nicole and I had a good talk yesterday. At a funeral once, she heard a daughter talk about her mother and say that she was a "domestic goddess" and Nicole felt "Yes! That's what I want to be!" That is a little loftier than the goals I have for myself. I think being a domestic goddess would entail amazing dinners and making my own bread, and I don't desire that, so I think I'd be content with just being a happy homemaker. I want to know how to keep a home simple and streamlined. I'd like my home to be a refuge from the world, and that everyone could feel relief when they walk in. And that might be a bit out of reach with toddlers underfoot, but that is more my goal. Anyway, we both definitely want to simplify and take control of our homes and lives. And that means taking control of and teaching ourselves first. Nicole want to reward herself for doing so, and I think that sounds fun. We don't know what the reward will be yet. Would be cool if it's something big, like taking a trip somewhere together, or even taking turns flying out to see the other. But with my Strava workouts, I usually felt accomplished just by earning medal emojis, so maybe someday in the future, we can create an app, ha. But even without knowing the final reward, we're working on the tasks we need to accomplish to receive the reward. Back when we were missionaries together in the ATM (Arizona Tempe Mission), there was a little thing called the President's Challenge, given to us by our mission president. There were certain things that we were challenged to memorize, learn and do. There were three levels: Bronze was the beginner level for greenies, Silver to keep us busy for the next year, and the Gold level for the home stretch. And then there was the Second Mile challenge. I didn't get that one. One of the requirements for that, among many others, was to read the whole Old Testament. I didn't get that done until 2015. Better late than never! 

Anyway, one of the good yet very challenging things about the presidents challenge was that when you moved on to the next level, you had to go re-pass off everything in the past levels! You had to keep doing all the first level stuff! Ugh! It was hard when trying to recite memorized scripture passages. But that's the type of thing that I know I need to do in my homes. Nicole and I think it's mostly about developing the habits. So we're thinking there are Daily chores, and that could be Bronze, like: make our beds, shine the sink, do laundry, sweep kitchen and a basic vacuum. Silver would be doing all that Bronze stuff again, plus some weekly stuff: vacuum the stairs, windows, walls, and mirrors, toilets, stuff like that. Gold might be monthly or yearly tasks. And we get a reward as we keep on top of it. 

So with that goal fresh on my mind, yesterday the stairs got vacuumed, one toilet was cleaned, and the sink was shining when I went to bed!
It's clean again tonight. Lily helped wash the dishes yesterday and Sophi did it tonight, and I did the final touches of shining after I washed the straggler dishes that got thrown in after we were done. I do NOT have a system for my home, esp for getting my kids to help, but would like one. To succeed I really do need to get my kids to help. They have not consistently helped with anything around here, except Abi with making Monday dinners, so even though the main goal is for ME to teach ME how to keep a home, I also want to get the kids to help and maybe inspire them to join in this vision for a house of order. Front room last night - vacuumed and tidied up. I sent the sink and this pic to Nicole with a proud emoji for myself. Go me.
And it was also funny that Nicole and I had talked about this yesterday, cause last night at scriptures, Corey shared this meme. Ha!

Watch out messy house, cause I'm not just going to stare anymore. I'm coming for you! I didn't do as much today as I did yesterday, cause I had to go pick up Abi at Lyceum tonight, and I wasn't able to do any body-doubling cause Nicole had violin lessons for her kids, but I'm ready to work tomorrow as I talk to Nicole again and/or listen to my Laura Dixon coaching calls. 

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