Sunday, December 3, 2023

Christmas Traditions

It's been a nice Sunday. Corey taught Adult Sunday school, I should get his presentation to link here... He always does such a good job. I taught 12 year olds, then after church we had our violin choir rehearsal. Then it was off to Wayne's for dinner and to celebrate Wayne's birthday and the other December b-days among the cousins (Mel and Seth). On the drive over, we listened to Makeba for Katharine (she likes the part that goes "oo - EE!" - it's funny. Then we listened to Baby shark a few times. K has also learned to say "Mine!" about things. , it's funny. All the BYU kids (JME) and Bella came up. After dinner was done, we cleared off the table to make ornaments for a Christmas tree that Chalane has planned for us to put on JeNeal's grave on Christmas. 
Chalane's parents are both gone, and she seems to know all the thoughtful things to do to celebrate and remember those who have passed on. I'm not that good at it yet. I'm not sure if the crafts were leftovers from JeNeal's stockpile or if Chalane brought them, but either way, there was enough for everyone to use and be creative with. 
A Charlie Brown Christmas was playing in the background. 
The kids were also busy knitting hats (Christmas spirit = making crafty gifts). Natalie stared making them after her teacher passed out yarn and looms. She's gotten Owen and Daniel into it - 
Wayne had a whole bin of yarn that he brought out and the kids got excited (even though O isn't smiling there... he might have bene frustrated with his efforts). 
Owen and Daniel got in on the action. We all had dinner and hung out until I had to go take Sophi, Natalie, and Owen over to a church that is close to Wayne's, where they were having their annual Christmas Concert (other violin concerts - 2019 before it was combined with the trumpet studio, 2021, 2022). Corey didn't come, but the college kids came and paid their dues, and Joseph brought Wayne's concert gift in honor of JeNeal - cash and candy for each performer!
Owen did great. He played Jingle Bells, Pat a Pan, and Joy to the World.
Sophi giving a little smile - 
It was a big group of violinists - This was the only one I got of Natalie.
Trumpet Studio group picture.
The college kids came but left early after Owen was done. Natalie and Sophi were in it for the long haul. There were lots of violin pieces. For those who endured to the end, there were desserts. We headed home after that cause the gathering at Wayne's was done. 

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