Friday, December 1, 2023

Climbing Again!

Hello hello! I'm having a good day, having good thoughts and feeling good. Day started off great with taking carpool and then going climbing with Wes! Which I've been wanting to do since we stopped in April. Biking is over, we were able to use the gym up at Park City last week, and Corey said he needs a place to go exercise so he signed us up for a family pass at Momentum on Monday. He went during the day and I left at 10pm after putting Kat to bed. I was so excited driving there, I was like giddy. Couldn't do too much, but it was great to be back. I did a total of 20 on Monday - Sent 8 V0s, sent 5 V1s, 4 other V1 attempts, and 3 V2 attempts. My hands were done after that, didn't go Tues so they could recover, then went Wednesday at 3 after Lily got home from school. Wednesday I did 17: 8 V0 sends, 6 V1 sends, and 3 V2 attempts. One of those V2s was a blue that I was sure I could get if my palms were fresh, so we did it as our 3rd climb this morning. It was great to be there with Wes. He's my climbing coach. And with his help and encouragement I sent four V2s, yahoo! The first one was a Yellow one on the south boulder. Wes said Corey did it in two attempts (they went yesterday), so I had to do it. I was able to do it first try, nice! Then next was the Blue V2 from Wednesday. It has nice jug holds, and I was able to do that first try today, woo! Then there was a purple V2 right next to that one that I did next, was feeling pretty good after all those. Then I did some V1s and V0s, ended with a V2 on the north side of the nourth boulder. I tried but was too shaky, Wes did it, told me I had to, and then I shook out my arms and went fast and was able to do it. There's a purple and black in the OG sector that I'm going to try first time next time when I'm fresh. I love climbing! Wes showing off in the OG sector, hanging upside down! 

Both of us kept saying our hands were done, but then we'd try one more. This was a black V3 Wes did as we walked to our shoe cubby. 

Total today was 22: 1 V3 attempt, 4 V2 sends, 6 V2 attempts, 6 V1 sends, and 5 V0 sends. Climbing is super fun. Did you know that the different colored bouldering routes are called "problems"? We love overcoming problems! It's fun and interesting and I know that when I come back next time, I'll be stronger and will be able to do more than I did last time. That's a good feeling.

After that great morning it was a more than usual full day. Sophi stayed home not feeling well, she stayed with Peter when I went to go help the boys who rode their bikes cross the road. It was snowing after school, and I wasn't sure if they'd like biking in the snow, so I drove to school. Luckily we were able to fit all four bikes in the back of the van and I gave them all a ride home. I have been very worried about driving the van in the snow, cause it needs new tires big time, but we have kept putting it off for the budget's sake. but since winter is fully upon us, there is no more avoiding it and I ordered them today. I was glad the snow was only there for a little bit when I was driving close to home. The roads were good when I took NODP to a primary activity at 4. I went back to get Sophi Natalie and Owen at 4:30 cause we had to leave that early for a rehearsal. They have a Christmas concert on Sunday evening. While I was doing that, Corey took Abi down to Provo to practice a musical number with Mel and two guys who are going to play with them tomorrow evening for the ward Christmas party. And Lily stayed home with Katharine. Daniel and Peter got a ride home with a neighbor, and then stayed at their house to play (they have friends the same age, Millie and Lucy). It was nice to not have to wrestle K at the rehearsal. I read a book while I waited. We were all back home at 6:30, then Corey and I went out to Augergine first (to get some dessert, I'd been looking forward to Brownie Layers all day) and then we went to eat at India House, cause Corey needs variety... we can't do Aubergine every week! It's busy busy. Corey was on the phone for a few hours today with Hyrum, who I think is seeking dating advice from Corey, but isn't thrilled about taking it. Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan and Bella will all be up here tomorrow night for the ward Christmas party. I'm excited to hear them perform!

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