Thursday, November 30, 2023

Christkindlmarkt & More

Corey took the girls to Christkindlmarkt tonight. 

Abi really wanted to go, and tonight was her only chance. It started yesterday, but they had YW. Tomorrow they have GMS, so tonight was their only chance. Corey was nice to take them. I was happy to stay home with the toddlers and let them brave the cold on their own. 

They ran into my brother Neil and his family while they were there, yay! They took a picture of the cousins. Fun!

So that was fun for the older kids. Just a regular day for me here at home with the little ones. I loved watching Katharine eat her oatmeal today. She had some for breakfast - 
She made a mess of her clothes. No problem. I cleaned her up, and she ate more oatmeal and berries a while later for lunch. 
She was holding her spoon so cute! 
And hugging her monkey. 
Kids are so cute. I love seeing her learn and do new things. Yesterday, I was looking through old scrapbooks today to collect photos of Christmas through the years, for a little Hallmark scrapbook book I have. Starting with when Corey and I "officially" got engages on Christmas eve 1998.

Kids doing a nativity at my parent's house - 2005 I think

And the sleeping under the Christmas tree tradition started in 2007 at the Crosswood house.

As I looked through those pictures, I also came across old papers from when the college kids were our little ones. Melodie made this sign and put it on Joseph's back. 
"Joseph Sale! for cheap! Comes with Harry Potter books! $2! If he's crazy put him in a cage and give him a book. If he's a bad boy, pinch him"

Joseph got back at her shortly after that with this note to Corey from the President of the United States: 
"Dear Mr. Wride. I am sorry to learn tha tyou will not be able to keep your oldest dauter. Send her to an orphanage on Nov 28th. We will get her at 10 am. sincerely, Obama" Pretty good cursive. Looks legit! And one more from Hyrum - rules for the Boy's room: 1) No stealing. 2) No breaking. 3) No coloring on walls. 4) No fire.
So funny. They were all so little once. and now they're all grown up and helping lead out by example with the rest of our kids. I'm grateful to be a mom. It's fun.

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