Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Melodie is 23!

Happy Birthday Mel!! Corey and I and Wayne all met up with Melodie in Provo at Tucanos for a birthday dinner for her. 

I haven't been to Tucano's before. It was delicious and we all ate too much and finished it off with some maracuja pudding and a big honkin' slice of chocolate cake. Mel took the cake home. It will probably take her three days to finish it. Ethan and Joseph were having a party for her at 9:30 pm, but that is too late for us, so we didn't go back down for that. Wes wanted to, but we were glad that he stayed home to do math instead. He is almost right on track to finish by Jan 22. He got a late start today because we took care of a mission prep item - we went at 10 am to get him suited up at Mr. Macs. 
He's never been attended to like that. "This is great! I feel like a celebrity!" There were two employees standing close by saying "Wow, that looks great! Fits like a glove! That color is perfect" etc etc. Wes opted for the slim shirts, a very trim jacket and pants, so this young man does not have any room to gain weight on his mission. He doesn't want to gain weight anyway, so hopefully knowing his clothes won't fit if he does will keep him focused to not go crazy. 
Ethan gained 40 pounds when he was state side in Missouri, but Ethan had always been a hungry boy. It went to his hollow leg through high school, then caught up with him on his mission. He was lucky to go to the DR to lose it. Wes is going to Texas. Southern cooking and TexMex might catch up with him, but maybe he'll sweat it all off. 
He got a gray suit with two pants and a nice Texas blue suit with two pants as well. 
Corey got new shoes in 2018 when Joseph was getting ready for his mission, and Corey has been in need of a new pair for a while, so he and Wes will find shoes at another time. Today it was just the suits, and it took two hours (like I said, Wes was enjoying himself). After we got home, Wes had to get crackin' on his classes. It was good to get something mission done today though. His suits will be done next Tuesday. He's excited. 

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