Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Almost Finished!

Wesley is getting very close to finishing high school! On Monday, after a day of work, he came home and was in such a good mood, like the world had been lifted from off his shoulders.  Most of us had fasted for him on Jan 7th for Fast Sunday. Monday I sent a text to thank the college kids for their prayers for Wes and asked for them to "Keep them coming! He looked at his last three classes today and how many units and modules they all have and he’s feeling super confident that he can finish by Saturday! He said he feels like he’s already graduated, it’s so close!" He was working on his last math class this whole past week. I was impressed with his notes ~

Like you zoom in, and it's like looking through a microscope... focusing in on the circle in the right column...
...and I'm just amazed at the detail and the minutia of it all!
Wes, I don't know what this little circle is, but I'm impressed. As of this morning, Wesley had THREE MORE classes to finish, and they take an average of 60 hours each. Final 3 classes are Health, astronomy, and financial literacy. He texted me this afternoon that he finished health this morning, wow! And that he's HALFWAY through financial lit! AND he just started the second to last unit of astronomy! Amazing! I am thinking he might actually pull this off!! Less than 10 hours to do all of the health class!? Woo-hoo! He is feeling like he could finish all of his classes tomorrow, or by Friday for sure! So he gave me approval to schedule his temple appointment! He's going to do Jordan River, we're shooting for next Tuesday the 16th. I just need to check with the college kids and their schedules. 

In more school news... Natalie had the science fair and has been stressing about it. I have been too a little bit. Not stressing enough to help her, just enough to murmur and complain how stupid it is that they make kids do it. Natalie's project is to see if you score better on an online game if she is there telling you how easy it is vs. if she is there telling you it is hard. Her only data was collected from doing 4 offline games of "Color Connect" with Owen and then doing 4 with Daniel. Not a ton of research put in, but I think she checked all the requirement boxes. Yay. Sophi stayed up last night helping her finish her poster. She has been stressing about it and so have I, just a little. We will both be glad when this is over. Dropping her off for Safety patrol with her science fair trifold in hand.
Math, science, finianial lit... all these classes! School school, so much to learn. Are you ready for all this stuff in your future, Katharine?
Are you going to graduate high school? She had an overwhelmed but trusting expression as she ate breakfast today, made me laugh. She was just being sweet and eating a muffin and I imagined her saying like Brian Regan "I don't know what you're talking about..." It's ok, just learn and keep checking the boxes. They'll keep getting a little bit harder for you for the first 12 years of school, but after that things get a bit easier. I don't use math much anymore, but I do know how to organize by shape and color, and I know where things go. I've been trying to teach my family these basic sorting principles. I got out hot pink post it notes and I labeled the dish cupboard and the fridge today. 
Abi had Lyceum today, and the guy she usually carpools with is out of town on a trip to New Zealand for the next 6 weeks! So Corey took her tonight. There was a snowstorm on their drive home, and it was slippery, took them over an hour to get home. 
Math and Science Fairs won't prepare you for bad winter roads, but they are both part of both driving and winter. I guess it's good to learn and try and understand the world around us. Wes will keep getting an education in that via experience on his mission. He's almost there! He's going to make it, amazing. It's been an amazing and merciful miracle. We are feeling so grateful!

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