Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Joseph is 24!

Happy Birthday Joseph!! He has officially begun his 25th year.

We drove down to Provo with Wayne and took him out to eat at Aubergine. That was where I wanted to go, but get this - Aubergine was at his request! Joseph! You are so health conscious. You must be getting older. We all felt stuffed and sick after Mel's birthday dinner at Tucanos. We felt great after this. Maybe we can make Aubergine thee official birthday restaurant for our college kids. Joseph and Corey both got the tri tip bowl, Wayne got a Steak melt, and I got the salmon salad. And three brownie layers, of course! Good stuff. 

There was a winter warning squall on the drive back home that was a little scary, but we made it home without any incidents, yay. Here is Lucky before we left. It was nice that the sun was shining this evening before the winter storm rolled in. Lucky likes the sunshine. 
And something that we're up in a hustle to finish now is the stupid science fair project for Natalie. Ugh, I do not like the science fair. I think it is muy stupido and I've been feeling resentful about it. The kids could sense my irritation, so Sophi jumped and offered to help, which was nice. Thanks Sophi.
I need to stay calm, and have been trying, but I really do just think it's dumb busy work that the kids generally don't care about and aren't really interested in and it's just going in the trash when it's over. Lily was sharing how proud she felt that she and Hailee won in Jan 2020. Wesley's project in 2016, resesarch for a middle school science fair for Ethan in 2015Hyrum's in 2014. Wes let Natalie know that it doesn't matter and NO BODY CARES about the science fairs from 5th grade. 
Wesley was able to say that with authority as he is almost at the end of his K-12 journey. I invited the kids to include prayers for Wesley in their fasts on Sunday. Then he came home yesterday, after looking at his last three classes: Health, Financial Literacy, and Astronomy. He looked at the numbers of units and modules in each unit and he said he KNOWS he can totally finish them all this week. "I'm so happy! I feel like I've already graduated!" He started Health yesterday and almost took the final tonight, but didn't cause he decided to drive home before the snowstorm got worse. He is halfway through financial Lit, and thinks he'll finish astronomy tomorrow too! We're super proud of how hard he's worked and that he's figured it all out! Last week it took him the whole week to do his last math class - Trigonometry. Here are his notes from that, that he used for his review and final. On the far right column -
zooming out... microscopic print everywhere...
And here's the full 8.5x11 paper! wow.
He writes so small!! He's a smart kid, and he's come through as conqueror!

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