Monday, January 15, 2024

Brian Head

We went skiing at Brain Head today. It was the first time there for all of us. 

Corey's friend Jeff just bought a cabin there. Jeff grew up in California and when he was a kid, his family and a bunch of neighbors would drive to Brian Head to ski, so he has a lot of childhood memories there. They bought the cabin from some vacation rental place so it was all ready for a big group. Mel and Abi shared a room next to where Corey Katharine and I were, and the rest of the kids were all in one room together. - Lily on the floor, Sophi and Natalie on a big couch - 
Wes was in the top bunk and the three little boy all slept on the bottom full size bed. 

The little boys were the first ones awake this morning. Our room was very dark so the sun didn't wake me, but the boys took care of that - they woke me up with their clicking buttons on a Street Fighter 2 console that was by our bedroom. Corey made crepes for breakfast as he visited with Jeff.

The lifts opened at 10. We suited up and soon everyone was ready, and they had a snowball fight outside while they waited for the adults. 
Katharine looked so cute in her snowpants!
The Alpen lift was closest to the cabin, so we walked over there and then headed up the mountain. I took Peter while Corey stayed back with Katharine. The two of them went sledding. Corey said his feet sprayed the snow in her face. She didn't cry, but it did surprise her.
As for us, Peter and I made the mistake of trying to follow the big kids. We didn't know what was ahead, and they led P and I into a deep part between some trees. That wasn't hard for them all to get through and they didn't notice us struggling. I was regretting that I didn't go check things out first without children... Peter was quite frustrated and was crying that he doesn't like skiing and that his boots were too small, which I think might be true cause he's in the same ones he wore in 2021. They were too big for him back then, probably fit him ok in 2022 and last year, but they are definitely too small now. I sent a few voice messages to Corey about the situation I was in, and it took us a while but we eventually made it down, and Corey was there with the car and took Peter back to the cabin. Things were better for him there. 
He taught Katharine how to play video games. 
I got back on the lift and was able to find the group soon enough. I was going to turn north, but then I heard some hootin' and hollering that I could tell was Natalie, so I turned toward that sound and found everyone. We took the Blackfoot lift, then Roulette, and they all ended up going down "straight down" right under the chairlift. Even Daniel! I came to the hill and peeked over, and thought "nope" - and Natalie was on the same page as me, so she and I took a cautious and slower way down, and then we didn't see them again until they came back to the cabin for lunch. 
Natalie and I did a few runs but then she was done. I made some soup and brought out a green onion cheese ball with tomato basil wheat thins, which is a current favorite food for a lot of the kids. Corey left with Peter, and as soon as everyone was back and I told them what the meal was, I got dressed and went out to find Corey and Peter. I took Alpen, and thought I'd check life 360 once I was on the chair to see where they were. Turns out they went over to the other side - they were behind me on Navajo peak. So I had to turn and go back to where I started by Alpen, but went over to the Wildflower lift. I eventually found them and we did a few runs together. Peter is cute. He was in a good mood and was skiing great. We took Navajo Express twice and then headed back to the cabin. When we were close, Mel and Jeff and some kids were on their way out, so we joined them and did a few more runs on that side. I was with Peter again and he was good. Corey went with Wes, Owen, Daniel and everyone on Giant Steps. I didn't do that lift today. But it's all good. It was a great day, we stayed out until the lifts closed at 4:30, then headed back to the cabin. Packed up and I headed home with MALSNPK. We were able to see the canyon on our way out before it got dark, which was nice, cause I didn't see it on our way in last night. I listened to this interview with Brandon Flowers on the drive. The kids watched 3 movies and no one was asking for food, so that was good. We made it back to SL at 9pm, went by Dollar Tree so Abi could get a poster, then by the Crumbl Cookie on Ft. Union so she could get cookies, then she made a poster - 
And at 10:15 I drove her out to ask a guy to Sweethearts. She turned 16 in September, but this is her first dance. The lights were off at his house, so she just set it on the porch.
And with that my duties are temporarily done. I'll be taking carpool in the morning cause Wes is gone. He stayed back at Brian Head for one more night with Corey, Owen and Daniel. I think they're going to go skiing again tomorrow. It's Wesley's last chance before he starts the MTC in one week! Things are busy busy. Tomorrow I'm going to call and hopefully be able to schedule his endowment for Wednesday. K, going to bed now. It was a full and fun day. 

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