Sunday, January 14, 2024

Peter is 5!

Today is Peter's birthday! The greatest gift we've ever gotten on this happy birthday is PETER himself. He's the best present!
He opened his birthday bags and was happy to find some legos, of course. 
I told him we'd have to wait until after church to open and build them, cause it was time to get ready for church. Church was at 11. I'm glad we have 11 o'clock church now, cause I've had it on my calendar for a few weeks to go to the church where we had Thanksgiving and look for Katharine's little dalmatian dog toy. I knew she had it when we were there for Thanksgiving and I also was aware that I had not seen it since, so I was really sure it was there. It was her favorite, and she hasn't missed it too much I guess, but I've been sad that it's gone. I've had an alarm going off every Sunday, in December but with 9:00 church it was a little hard to get out the door. But NOW that we are 11 am, I had my chance. I got up early and drove there in my pjs around 8am, when I knew it would be open (cause of bishopric meetings and stuff) but there would not be children or nursery leaders in the room, cause most church blocks don't start until 9am. So I went, I looked in every bin and cupboard and I could not find it. It was silly and prob not important, but I prayed to find it. I looked through everywhere again, checked the toy kitchen fridge and oven, and when I was kneeling down to look in the kitchen oven, I turned my head to look under the cupboards, and there I saw a few other toys, and behind them, a little white toy with black spots. I found it! Yay little doggy! Katharine is going to be happy to see you.
K had come into our room and our bed during the night. I set it next to her.
When she woke up and saw it, she hugged it and started playing with it. Puppy joined her for breakfast. 
What do you think, cute little girl? Are you glad that I went and found that for you? Yes, she is. When I got home, the boys were awake and playing. Owen always wakes up early. If he plays with toys, the churning of legos will usually wake his brothers. He and Daniel were awake reading.
Well, everyone come down for breakfast and to see Peter's presents! Yay! Now let's go get ready for church. I was released from teaching Sunday School and am in the Relief Society again, as secretary again. It's good cause I basically know what to do. :) After church, we loaded up ski stuff for our trip to Brianhead. We did a smart thing this trip, Natalie's idea - we packed each kids' stuff into their coat, and wrapped it all up into a little ball, and did that for each kid - snowpants, thermals, gloves, neck thing, gloves... and then put the winter gear bundles into some of the trek bags we have. And we're packed!
The drive down to Brianhead was nice enough. Felt a little long (4 hours...) and there wasn't a snow storm so that was good. But we were driving in the dark, which I didn't love, but it was ok. Arrived there, had b-day cake again for Peter - 
Making another wish!
And the kids had fun exploring Jeff's cabin and playing games there. K playing ping pong - 
Kids playing pool..
And they had a few video game consoles, which the boys loved. 
We'll be skiing tomorrow and staying over again tomorrow night, so this will be fun to ski at a new place. Jeff grew up in California and as a kid his family and a bunch of other neighbors in their ward would all drive up to Brianhead to ski, so he has a lot of memories here as a kid and wanted that for his kids. Should be fun!

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