Friday, January 5, 2024

Cleaning and Wedding Plans

I've been doing a super good job cleaning today, yay. I'll spare you all the before and after photos, but I the kitchen pantry is nice and clean and organized now, including the spices; I cleaned the organized the books on my desk; cleaned my desk, put a little "WRIDE EST 1999" thing up on the wall that I got for Corey and myself for Christmas; and I cleaned Corey's side of our closet.

I guess that "getting organized" is always a new years goal of mine. Nicole and I talked a little bit about how to maybe make it manageable, so I'm going to try to do just our master bedroom first, with a goal to do a little each day and have it all done by the end of January, and then I just have to keep it clean. Should be simple enough! (ha) So it was a good day - I cleaned a lot, but need to blog and prepare for lesson on Sunday too. So excited that we are reading the Book of Mormon this year!! I got a pretty new Journal Edition of the Book of Mormon, so I'm excited to read and mark that up as we study this year. 

Having church at 11 will be nice. Lucky, my pet butterfly, is still alive and doing well. I'll spare you another photo of him - he looks the same and does the same stuff as usual - holding onto my sock and eating honey water. We went out to eat with Ethan and Bella tonight. We took them to India House, which is one of our favorites. 

We talked wedding plans. I texted Sister C yesterday to see if her husband could perform the sealing. E&B were thinking Payson temple, cause of the connection Payson has to JeNeal. They have felt that JeNeal has had a hand in their meeting and courtship <3 but Elder C can only do it if they do Bountiful or Jordan River. I thought doing it in Payson would be a lovely tribute to JeNeal, and then Ethan pointed out that Bountiful was where JeNeal had her accident, so that one is tied to JeNeal, too! And having an eternal marriage sealed there would be beautiful and give us all a new happy memory there. So it's not official yet, but they will probably be changing their plans from March 1st (Elder C isn't available that day) to March 9th in Bountiful. So that's exciting! 

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