Thursday, January 4, 2024

More Meme Fun

Ethan and Bella were over tonight and the kids had fun playing What Do You Meme - Wride Edition. Here are some of my favorites from their game tonight! This cute picture of Katharine blowing milkweed fluff

"When you're bored, but you don't way it cause you don't want to clean" HA! Another option for that picture was "How it feels after watching reels for 2 hours" So funny. We all liked this one of Daniel and Brother Eakins. 

The winning line: "When dad brings special treats just for the girls and tells the boys to go get a job"

This cute photo of Lily and Katharine up at Park City, both looking somewhat disheveled: "When Dad adn Mom and their friends are talking in Spanish, and you head them mention your name, and they all laugh" or "When dad brings you to a fun place but all you want to do is go home"

Here is a fun picture of Ethan -

"When kids say they're full and insist they can't eat another bite, but then the ice cream comes out" 

Mel also set right to work making a few more quotes from the conversation exchanges that have been going on over Christmas break, like Hyrum being a little sad about his Christmas loot (or lack thereof!) ~ 

"When you complain about not having a magical Christmas/stockings but remember you're 23" ha! There were a lot of good ones that the kids put up for this photo of Hyrum... 

"How it feels trying to get kids to bed" 

"When the teenage girls insist on telling you the entire plot of this book that they're reading"

"When everyone is leaving for church but you just woke up"

This game is a treasure for sure. So it's been a good day. Ethan shared this photo of something Owen made at school. It made him laugh really hard. It is pretty cute and funny. 
  • Outstanding 
  • Watermellin 
  • Eat donetes 
  • Nice 
  • Wonderful
Ha, fun. I texted Sister C to ask about her husband performing the sealing for Ethan and Bella. We'll see if he's available and if it works for everyone's schedule. That would be really special though. He signed Ethan's book of Mormon when Ethan got baptized (E was sitting on the stand next to him) and so Ethan particularly has a connection there, I think it would be neat. I don't know that any of the other kids feel like they know him well enough that they'd ask, but we'll see. It's nice having them all home! I'll call it good and be done blogging - Mel has been playing with K, and just like that it's 11:30! We should go to bed!

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