Monday, October 30, 2023

Free Candy Tomorrow

Corey and the kids are downstairs watching Chariots of Fire. I gave K a few white chocolate chips on a bench, which allowed me to make my get away upstairs. I thought I'd blog for a few, but now I'm feeling tired and just want to lay down... Let's see if I can get anything recorded here... Corey gave a great lesson at church today. It was a 5th Sunday lesson, and the Sunday School presidency was in charge (C is SS President) so he led the discussion with all the adults and it was super great. It was a lesson on resiliency and helping our kids be more resilient (and how we adults and parents can be more resilient too!). He shared about some insights from Louie Zamperinni in the book Unbroken, and how there's a lot of bad news in the world today - and how we can go forward with faith and not fear! I especially liked this video by Big Think with Jonathan Haidt on Why modern America creates fragile children. Corey gathered a lot of great information. And speaking of going forward with faith... Ethan is dating someone, and it's looking pretty serious.

He and Bella are super fun and cute together. 

They joke that Ethan is the male version of Bella, and she's the female version of Ethan. They seem to like each other! Will be fun to see what happens! They met on July 1st at a fireworks show and have been pretty much inseparable since then.

They both work at the MTC, so that's fun too. She served a Spanish speaking mission to New Hampshire. We all think she's great. (Yes, she's the girl with Ethan in the photo at the airport when Hyrum came home). Update... Hi. It's Monday now. I didn't finish blogging this post, as you can tell. What has happened today... Abi had Lyceum concert. Corey went to go see it - 

He took his dad with him. I stayed home on kid duty. 

They performed something announcing the new youth theme for next year - 3 Nephi 5:13: I'm a Disciple of Christ. I'm teaching a youth Sunday school class now, Sophi's age, so I was excited to get a jump on that scripture and am so excited that we'll all be studying the Book of Mormon next year! And just a few more pics of moments - Katharine with a nutella face this morning. 

Owen asleep on most mornings... 

He is the first one up every morning, so crashses during scriptures, and we usually just leave him there to move himself if he wakes up sometime during the night. Today I attempted to organize the fridge. Post it notes, labels for where things go:
Yesterday I kept the kids hostage by taking away all phones. It just seems like there should be one day a week where we are all present and not texting friends. And with phones away, they spent time reading the blog books. 
Daniel reading some scripture stories in a cartoon treasury book. 
Wes learning some hymns on guitar...
Singing sweet ballads to his sisters.
His lovely sisters like Natalie!
Who was dressed up like Fancy Nancy (she was looking for inspiration trying out different halloween ideas.) 
You're cute Natalie! The taped nose is a nice touch.
(and other times not so cute!)
Katharine practicing drawing tonight. 
Putting the lid back on the pen! 
Katharine! How'd you get so smart?
She's very careful when drawing, not as careful when eating. She takes good care of pens, and she throws top ramen all over the floor. From today at lunch. We think everything she does is cute though. 

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