Monday, January 8, 2024

Good Start

Katharine woke up early today when I was waking up the older kids for school. Wes was up early as he's facing crunch time this week and next trying to finish school. She was happy to see Wes and give him a big hug before he left to take Skyline carpool. He's taking it every day these next two weeks because their usual ride, Dallin, is on a 6 week vacation with his family. I'm glad Wes is here to help, I'll have to pick up the slack for 4 weeks though after he starts MTC. But wow, seeing two happy kids at 6:45 am? Looks like this Monday was off to a good start!
There was also some sunshine today, which Lucky appreciated. 
He's a cute little bug.
This chipper bug in the sun was an improvement over yesterday when it was cloudy. Right before church I went in to check on him and this is what I saw -
Doesn't that just break your heart? Cute little thing looking out the window for the sun, holding onto the glass and his antennae. I felt for him, he kinda looks depressed. Lucky, if I could give you wings and magically transport you away to sunny California I'd do it! He looked that way again today when I got back from Costco. It reminds me of that far side cartoon of the dog looking out he window jealous of his dog friends out biting the mailman while he's got to stay inside and finish practicing violin (#1 here!), ha! I did go to Costco, took the toddlers with me, which I don't usually do (I'll wait until kids are home from school...) but we had violin today so I couldn't go after school. (D and I went climbing while the girls had their lesson today). I had to go cause we're down to our last loaves of bread. That's usually the thing that is my deadline for Costco - once bread is almost out, it's time to go. My kids are cute. I like taking them places, except for when I let them guilt me into buying food and treats or pools that I don't want to buy. I held my ground today. 
I'm going to try and hold my ground in one other area too - chores. 
I have made a new chore chart. The previous chore charts were good but the problem was that they were weekly, so if the weeks pass, and the kids don't do anything (which was happening with the girls)...
And then I was just giving them a new chart and there was no consequence or knowledge of them blowing everything off the past week. And maybe they did do some stuff but just didn't record it, but I decided to have a chart that they keep until they check everything off would be better. This will let me see what they do, so I'm hoping this will work better. I think if they try, they could have all this done by the end of January. But if it takes them 2 months to practice 25 times, then that's fine, there are just no privileges or rewards until they have this turned in. This will be better for their accountability and mine for following up with them. 

After the cute picture of W&K this morning, it was appropriate to get another picture of them tonight. K fell asleep on Wes during scriptures and he was soaking it up. 
His heart is aching knowing that he's only got another few weeks with his little sister before he leaves on his mission. I'm so grateful that my kids love each other! Of course it's easy to love these little ones, they are so precious. I'm in awe that God has given me 13 babies. It is the best.

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