Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Got a Ring

Ethan's proposal to Bella during the first moments of the new year lacked one thing... a ring. He's already ordered it, but it wasn't ready yet. He couldn't let that stop him in the perfect moment, so he's proposed, and tonight they got a loaner ring from Walmart to fill in until the pricey one arrives. 

Corey and I got engaged without the ring on December 12, so we probably set the poor example there on not following process. And we haven't had a lick of sense ever since. Our engagement was recognized by his parents as Dr. Laura approved on December 24th when he brought the ring over. His mom was like "You sure you want to do this???" and Corey replied "WE'RE ALREADY ENGANGED!!!" It's a funny and cute story, I'll type it up someday. It's in my handwritten journal though, December 1998. So Ethan and Bella, you are now Dr. Laura official. 

They are planning on getting married in March - scheduled for March 1st at the Payson temple, subject to change as we start to check with people. 

Exciting stuff already happening in 2024! 

We have a missionary that we're sending off in a few weeks, and a wedding to plan right after that

I think Abi or Lily took these pictures for them tonight on our front porch. 

Ahh, so what else? First things first... before the wedding, we gotta get Wesley on his mission. Before he gets on his mission, he's gotta finish school. He's been working hard. There is still a lot to do (go to the temple, buy stuff) but it's on hold until he graduates. Ahh he's under the gun big time!! He has his recommend for his living endowment, but isn't going to go yet. I called the temple about him scheduling his endowment, but only to see how much notice they need. He wants to wait to schedule it until he's done. He's been working on Earth Science the past week, then has his last math class (trig?), then health, astronomy, and financial literacy.... ahhh!!! The stake President wants Wes to finish by the 13th!! That's TEN DAYS to do 4 classes?! This is gonna be a nail biter... We're praying for Wes every night, this will be a miracle. 

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