Monday, January 29, 2024

Last Meals

Wesley making Kodiak pancakes for breakfast has been a regular occurrence around here for the past year plus. Today was my last day to enjoy Wesley's protein pancakes with Peter. It's been a good year.

After a pancake breakfast, Wes and I didn't eat any more, so that we'd be hungry and ready for a night out. We were going to take everyone out to eat, like we did with Joseph and Hyrum (Mel and Ethan left during covid, so we went out to eat after Mel got home, but not Ethan since he arrived at 2 am!) BUT then we decided that, per Wesley's request, it would just be a dinner with the three of us. Yesterday I asked him if he'd rather everyone go out to eat, or just with Corey and I, and that's what he chose, cause he didn't want his last meal to be Chuck a Rama, haha. SO, yay, the tree of us it is! We kept ourselves busy finishing up last tasks. Wes was studying Spanish, and Katharine wanted to see...
She started to say the words with him - video here.
"Dios" Dos "Tener" She didn't try that one, or saber, but she got vida pretty good! And Dios again. When Abi and Lily got home, they all had ice cream. Wes decided to have just a little bit... 
Katharine was being so cute with her baby! The kids got home, we didn't have violin today (currently doing every other week) and there was a STEAM night at the school that the elementary kids wanted to go to, so plan of attack was: Corey be home at 5:15, we'd leave, Lily would stay here with Katharine and Peter, Abi was working for my mom, and Sophi would walk over to the school with NOD. Plan worked out great. We went to Bandits for dinner. I wanted sweet potato fries, so I ordered a side of that, which turned out to be a huge plate. They were good, and we ate the whole thing, but with each fry we were worried we were ruining our appetites for dinner. We took turns saying "I should stop..." as we'd picked up another fry and put it in the white fry sauce (munch munch). After we ate all of those, our meals were served! Wesley got a 16 ounce steak! That's a good last meal before Mexico. And also good prep for his mission in Texas!
(Sorry I got a photo of you chewing, sweetheart.)
Wes taking another bite of his steak. It's ok, cause the 16 oz of meat was properly balanced out by being accompanied by 6 pieces of asparagus.
I got my usual: the Farmer's Harvest salad with dressing on the side and with a skewer of shrimp added. My shrimp were overcooked on the bottom. I expressed my desire to ask for another skewer instead, and Wesley teased "Then you should probably stop eating those ones..." ha. I ate them all, they were crispy. It was a delicious meal, a good send off and possible "congrats on graduating!" meal. Too bad that The Roof is still closed. Early dinner, were all going to bed early, cause we have an early morning tomorrow! We ALL need to be up and shoes on and leaving here at 6 am, fun fun. Exciting day for Wes tomorrow!

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