Sunday, January 28, 2024

More Goodbyes

Wesley's first "goodbye for two years" was last week to Hyrum, before Hyrum headed back up to Rexburg. Today there were three more goodbyes as Wes said bye to Joseph, Melodie, and Ethan. 

They came up to see him and joined us for dinner (Orange chicken and Strawberry Shortcake!) and we had a good time visiting throughout the afternoon.
It's always a pleasure to have them here!
After a fun day together, the college kids prepared to exit, and we ended up staying by the front door and talking for another 20 minutes as they tried to share their last bits of wisdom - 

Ethan "If you wake up crying everyday, it's fine..." 
Corey said to Wes "Didn't you say one time 'I know I can do it if Ethan could do it'?" 
Ethan slightly downcast "That's so sweet... What does that mean!??!" Shaking his head " respect for me!"
Ethan "I hope you respect me more when you realize how bad it is out there. And I hope it's bad!! an extent." I took a video to better document, but it's hard to hear. There's a bit of background noise from these little ones attacking Bella.

Ethan "Preach My Gospel says talk to everyone, but that like gave me so much anxiety! Do you know how many people there are at Walmart?! So plant seeds, say hi to everyone..." Joseph added "Follow the spirit, talk to people the Lord puts in your path, as you have time."
We just kept talking and laughing
They said all that they could reasonably say, without staying all night, and with that they gave final hugs - Mel and Wes seeing who could squeeze each other harder...
Then Ethan and Joseph got in on the group hug!
I can't remember if it was Mel or Wes that tapped out first.

So it's been a great day. Here is also a cute video of Katharine saying goodbye and blowing them kisses. We have Wes for one more full day, and we should be able to get the final things done, and then he heads out Tuesday morning. His flight is at 9:30, and it is international, so they said to be there 3 hours early. 6:30 am, yay! The little kids will miss having Wes around. We got a chuckle out of Katharine sleeping this morning. It looked like she passed out drunk!

I have been weaning her a little bit the past week - I'm trying to keep it to once a day, and once she accepts that, then I'll try to stretch it to every other day if she'll let me. I'll miss nursing, but it's about time to be done, so I'm cherishing these last few times that my baby is still my baby. 

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