Friday, January 26, 2024

Missionary Sushi Lunch

Wes and Wayne came over Wednesday night for dinner (spaghetti and meatballs with a greek salad) and Peter and Katharine loved playing with him. Then as they were upstairs playing legos, Wes mentioned that he'd like to come back here with Corey the next day. He wanted to spend the last moments he could with his two youngest siblings, even if it messed up some of his MTC time. So Wesley came home last night from Wayne's. We cleaned up a little bit in the basement this morning so that his district couldn't see the mess in the video call. I had figured he would come home tonight for date night and to spend the weekend with us and his last day before leaving, so this is a treat that he came home last night. We got an extra 24 hours with our missionary, yay! The internet reception in the basement wasn't great, so he had to use my hotspot some of the time today. Slightly inconvenient when I left my phone with him when I ran an errand this evening (had to go buy Sophi a present to give to her friend who had a part tonight) so I wasn't able to listen to podcast during that errand, so hard, I know.

Thankfully Peter and Katharine were good and didn't bother him during his calls. They will sure miss him!

I took advantage of Wes being here with us today by treating him and myself to a sushi lunch from Smiths. We shared with Peter and Katharine too. 

Good thing about doing this during the school day: we didn't have to share with all the other kids, ha! Not that I wouldn't like to share sushi with them, it's just that I would have had to buy a lot more to feed a crowd. And sushi gets a bit pricey. But enough for just the four of us wasn't bad. So check off one of Wesley's last food request: sushi  He's been a love of sushi for the past 4+ years. Tomorrow it's roast and potatoes, Sunday we'll have orange chicken again and strawberry shortcake for dessert, and then probably we'll all go out to eat Monday night before he flies out on Tuesday!

Tonight for our date, Corey and I went out to Fueled Kitchen. Abi and Lily took Corey's car to GMS, so I picked up Corey after I took Sophi to a friends house in Murray. Wes was our babysitter at home, and they played games and ate pizza. Joseph was at Wayne's house with Corey, and Corey and I took him to Sandy for a dinner. I had thought we'd to go Beaumont Cafe, but since we had to take Joseph to Sandy, I headed toward Aubergine since that was our favorite in the area. Usually the driver decides where our dinner date will be by where they drive the car, but after I parked and we were walking toward Aubergine, Corey said we should try something new, so we continued walking to a restraurant next to it - Fueled Kitchen. And sadly, it wasn't as good as Aubergine. So that will teach us to try something new! just kidding. It was fine, but we'll prob do Aubergine instead next time, like we usually do. Then we did an errand on our way home - went by Deseret Book to get a journal for Wes. They didn't have the colors he wanted though. He has the large classic journal, and they only had black, and he already has black. So I'm going to order the red, blue and ivory online and have them shipped to Texas after he gets there. I did like all the small journals they had at Deseret Book. Along with my book problem, I also have a journal problem. I probably have too many notebooks, but I would have walked out with a stack of these, if Corey hadn't been there to keep me in check. 

I loved how they had scripture passages and quotes from prophets and apostles on the covers. Two from the bottom shelf (the gray and green ones) Mormon 5:23 - Know ye not that ye are in the hands of God? and "Discovering who we really are is part of this great adventure called life." - Dieter F. Uchtdorf. Wes is going to have a great experience soon on his mission, and will discover more of who he is and of his great mission on earth. I love being a mom and enjoying time with my kids, big and little - seeing them learn and grow and become. I feel such joy and rejoicing in my posterity! Thank you Lord.

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