Saturday, January 27, 2024

School Dance Dress Shopping

Abi is going to her first high school dance in ONE WEEK. She has searched high and low and far and wide for the right dress. But the endeavor has not yet been successful. She ordered one online early on in the month, and it looked so cute on the model... but I told her it was too risky, "You have to try it on! You can't tell by how it looks on someone else!" I learned that with a swimsuit experience years ago. And... after it arrived, she decided it didn't look good on her. It matched her skin tone too closely. She's been to the mall and lots of stores since and even tried thrifting for something, last night she gave up and got something from her friend Tara's closet. But then, as she walked around it in tonight, she had second thoughts again. She said she felt like a football player in it. She was in tears and Corey said that after she got home from GMS today, he'd help make dress finding happen. But then... I wanted to got to the temple with Wes, and we were going to go in the morning, but he kept having other things come up, so then we didn't leave until late, and that messed up the clothes shopping, cause now Corey had to stay with the kids if I was going to be gone. So he sent Sophi in his place, and I let Abi use my phone so she could use the maps to know where she was going. They searched, and she did buy a dress, not this one, but this one was my favorite of the photos she took with my phone. 

Colors is pretty, is a flattering style, that would have been good one, but I don't know how much it was, maybe that's why she decided against it? They didn't have much success with many of the others she tried... some looked like nightgowns... 
Other's made her feel pregnant, haha
Abi made me laugh with these two!
That one looks nice!
Not quite right color/pattern...
Dress shopping. The struggle is real. She did buy something at b̶öhme, but then said she's not sure and tomorrow wants to go try something from her cousin's Jordyn's friend. It's rough out there finding the right dress, I guess?
So Corey stayed home with the kiddos and Wes and I went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple for the 6pm session, my first time doing a session there. Back at home, time for scriptures, and Peter falling asleep next to Wes for one of the last few times. 

His last weekend with us! He's excited to get going though. He said he doesn't quite feel like a missionary yet. It will be here soon enough!

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