Sunday, February 18, 2024

Family Anniversary Dinner

Today we had our Family Anniversary Feast! It's a tradition that we all enjoy. 

Feasts from previous years: 2023202220212020, missed a few years, 201620152014, and the first year of this tradition in 2013) I ran into Costco for all the food yesterday on our way back from Bella's bridal shower in Logan. Then after we got home, I left again to see if I could have any luck thrifting before our party. I was mostly looking for wedding clothes, but I also had our anniversary feast on my mind, so when I saw this full red pant suit at kid to kid, I just had to get it. 
Yes, I think Sophi's outfit will be one of the things that will be remembered from this year. She made an impression when she made her reveal in the red high heels (also a thrift find from last night) with the evening light shining through the windows, she looked like a girl on fire. 
Peter has been sick with croup, so he didn't join us at the table or in the group photo this year. Corey has had Peter quarantined in our bedroom for the past 36 hours. And, since Peter was sick and Corey was with him, the boys didn't leave the house while we prepared the food and decorations like they usually do. That made things a bit less fun, cause they were all hovering and wondering when it was time to eat, and when they'd poke their heads in to check the status of things, they'd sneak a shrimp or take a few grapes or a spoonful of mashed potatoes and I would tell them "NO! Stop eating! Not yet!" but they'd do it again and again. So yeah, note to self, next year, they gotta leave! I think we'll also go for a later time next year. Today was at 4, and the sun was shining, so the candles and white lights didn't have their ambiance affect. But it was still good. Time to finally sit and eat~ Kids gathered round... left to right: Mel, Hyrum, Abi, Sophi, Daniel...
Owen, Daniel, Lily, Ethan, Joseph...
Selfie of Corey and I (he's wearing the bowtie he wore on our first date!)
and just some of our many blessings!
A dollop of whipped cream with some berries for a plate decoration as we sit and visit for a moment - 
Then it was time to feast! The menu this year was similar to last years - 
Salmon, mashed potatoes, beet kale salad, shrimp, apple sparkling cider...
The entrees of the happy couple...
So Peter was upstairs all day, watching veggie tales and playing fruit ninja. Katharine was also asleep as we started...
But she woke up when I was looking around the front room for the remote. I couldn't fin it, but she was sleeping on it, so we found it, and she woke up.
Then we were able to turn on the Love Songs playlist. We didn't do much dancing. I tried to get us going by dancing with Katharine, but no one else joined in. Next year, Corey won't be upstairs with a sick kid, and then he can start asking the girls to dance and then we'll get it going. We did go into the side room to watch our wedding video
I need to find a way to upload the reception too, cause it cuts off kind of abruptly without the reception part to end. So instead, as we were watching, right after it ended, the Circle of Life came up, and we all laughed at how quickly the circle of life continues! And then we sat around watching family videos on youtube for the next few hours.
While everyone kept eating treats at the dessert table (pink pretzels, pistachios, choc chip cookies, and lindor chocolates) and then I served up strawberry shortcake in some glasses that I got at the DI last night. Fancy schmancy.
Peter up in our room - he's been playing fruit ninja on the ipad most of the day. 
He is sounding a little better. So tomorrow will be 25 years of wedded bliss for Corey and I. We were going to go skiing together, I thought, but then this afternoon Corey lent his skis out to a friend, so.... maybe we'll go biking in St. George? ha, probably not. Maybe he can just work tomorrow and then we'll take a rain check and go skiing during the week, when it won't be as crowded as I'm sure it will be tomorrow. Life is good and I thank the Lord for our abundant blessings. We have been so richly blessed! 

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