Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bridal Shower

Abi and Lily had GMS today. Melodie came up from Provo to go with us to Logan for a bridal shower for Bella. They all fall asleep on the drive. I wished I could have fallen asleep. Cute Katharine wasn't sleepy last night and wanted to stay up last night and play. Here she is past midnight. 

I didn't mind that much, since we needed to pick up Hyrum, who was coming down for President's Day weekend and was dropped off at 12:30am this morning. But I still knew I was going to be tired on the long drive to and back. I didn't fall asleep until 1. I drove up while Mel quizzed herself on anatomy and the girls snoozed.

Before we left, we dropped off Owen and Daniel to go with Wayne to the IFA Customer appreciation day. They had a petting zoo! 

I was glad that they were able to go with Wayne, so that things were a little easier for Corey at home. He stayed and took care of Peter all day. Peter's had a bit of a sore sounding throat. The bridal shower was very cute. Nancy and Chalane came up too, so nice of them!
Enjoying the lunch -
It was hosted by Bella's grandma, her mom's mom, and it was at the house that Lisa grew up in, so it was really fun. Beautiful home. 
Bella telling us the answers to the quiz we took to see how much we knew about her. I only got one answer right, and it was a lucky guess - that her favorite color was orange. We had a nice lunch, then watched the video that Ethan made for her when he proposed, and then she opened gifts. Katharine came up and down the stairs, to the place where they had fun vintage toys. 
The girls fell asleep on the drive home too. We stopped at Costco so I could get the food for our fancy feast tomorrow. Sophi woke up and said it felt like it'd been three days sine we left. But that might happen when you take two naps. I stocked up on salmon, potatoes, chocolate, etc. I got home and Owen's party that he earned was underway - thanks to Hyrum for spearheading that in my absence. Owen finished his checklist this past week, and his friends were in town over the holiday weekend, so they came over tonight from 5:30-8 for pizza and video games. Peter was feeling sick and Corey's been attending to him all day. Even with that, things seemed to be calm enough, so I left again to go thrifting at kid to kid and the DI for wedding clothes and some dishes for tomorrow and by Smiths for ice cream, then Reams for Beehive frozen rolls. I got some glass goblets and cute ice cream glass cups, they're all in the dishwasher. I brought up the flowers and decorations, so tomorrow after church we'll straighten up the house and will be busy preparing for our feast. I should be good with the girls here helping me. I found some good stuff thrifting that will be fun, esp some red shoes and a red outfit for Sophi that I think will be really fun. I was home at 7:45, in time to serve up some ice cream for Owen's friends and be here to greet the friends' parents when they came to pick up their kids. Our neighbor and the kids pediatrician came over to check on Peter, and gave us some medicine, he is very kind, and we're hoping that makes Peter feel better. It's been a run around day, I need to go read my scriptures before I fall asleep. Trying to keep up with Ethan and Corey and their Nazarite vow. One of my goals is to blog everyday, so yay, I did that. It's good to have goals and to be at work trying to achieve them. It's also good to have traditions. The family anniversary feast tomorrow is one tradition that I love and look forward too. It will be fun!

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