Saturday, February 24, 2024

Friends & Climbing

Owen and Natalie have been doing the best at the checklist chores. Owen earned a party with friends and is working toward cashing in on his next party, and today Natalie had her party with friends. She invited a few friends over and they made angel food cake. 

Natalie is a really good worker. A good helper and babysitter with Katharine, and she really did a top notch job on her chores and keeping her room looking good all the time. It's a little challenging for her to do that with Abi as a roommate, as Abi is a teenage girl, and all the teenage girls at our home have a major clothes problem, but Natalie is patient and has been cleaning it up anyway so she could earn her party. Good job Natalie! 

Corey and I almost went on a bike ride this morning, but then I got a flat tire on the van and had to take that in and so the ride fell out of the day's plans. But we did go climbing at Momentum with the kids, which is good cause we've been paying for a family pass but not having the family use it. As we were getting into the car though, Natalie ran her finger along the wood railing in the garage at just the wrong angle and got a sliver right under her fingernail. It was causing her great pain, and with her finger in such a state she would not be able to climb, so Corey took the boys and I stayed back and tried to help her get it out...

Luckily I have a super 50x magnifying glass, that I use to look at monarch butterfly eggs, and with that I was able to see what we were trying to grab, but it was quite impossible. We chipped away at her nail trying to cut it out, but it was deeper than we were able to cut, so she's going to soak it and we'll see how it feels tomorrow. I drove out to climb after mostly taking care of Natalie. I didn't climb much tonight with the kids there - Sophi and I did a little bit of bouldering, but then she looked bored so I took her over to do top rope and then I belayed kids for 40 minutes. We did notice tonight that Sophi has a little bump under her middle finger on her right hand, so we'll keep an eye on that to see if it goes away or gets bigger. Since we took two cars climbing, Corey left with the kids, I stayed and bouldered a little bit longer. I attempted some V3s but only was able to send the purple one, and I did that 5 times. Plus some V2s and V1s. When I got home the boys were playing a bit of Mario Kart. I thought they made a cute picture. 

Just read scriptures and are ready for bed, but am glad to write a few of the days happenings here. It's ok to stay up late on Saturday night cause I can sleep in a bit on Sundays now that we have 11:00 church. Wedding plans are coming along. We're set with Elder C for March 9 - got that finalized last week when the temple called to let us know that it was not on his calendar, so I sent a few texts and then that was set. We've gathering clothes, not in a total state of panic yet, and trying to be patient with ourselves with this first go around of a wedding. Goodnight. 

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