Friday, February 23, 2024

School Stuff

I drove the high school kids to school today early for a morning side devotional. Brandon Doman was the speaker. He was the quarterback at Skyline back in the day when Corey and I were there. Brandon was a junior when Corey and I were both seniors. I dropped the kids off at the church across from Wasatch, where Corey and I used to go for seminary waaaay back in 9th grade, 1990-91! After I dropped them off, I went toward the back to turn around, and passed the little spot of grass where we had an end of year party. One quick story about that spot of grass... (My kids know this story, but I don't know that I've ever documented it here, but it was a core memory for me). SO, we were studying the Book of Mormon, I remember, because we had to report each day if we had read, AND if we read every day, we could attend the party at the end of the year for everyone who read 100%. Maybe it was like 90-95%, I don't remember that part, but I DO remember that I often said I had read, with the intention of catching up, or reading later, or just feeling pressure to fib a little bit so that I could go to the party, cause I REALLY wanted to go to the party and be there with Corey! And other kids were probably lying too (nice justification there, tiff...) (Oh, and also REALLY NICE JOB to younger me of the past that I was 1) LYING (cue 9th commandment?) 2) in a SEMINARY CLASS (where I am learning about God and hopefully following him better as a result????) about 3) READING THE BOOK OF MORMON?!?!?! A book that is helping me understand and keep the commandments better and follow Christ better?? Like really?? Nothing here pricking my conscience yet???) Nope, nope, shut that all out - Pressure was on and the Party is of utmost importance... I'll learn about keeping those commandments and following God eventually, maybe next year for sure! Spring comes, warmer weather is here, the school year is ending and the end of the year party comes. One by one, our names are read to say we have been successful and can go outside to the party! Just about everyone "earned" it. The kids that didn't were going to stay inside and have a regular seminary lesson. AND GUESS WHO stayed in the class room. Just TWO PEOPLE: some goth looking girl (judgy a little bit, tiff?) and... Corey. And I was kicking myself the entire time, feeling guilty that I lied, and mad at myself that my lying kept me from what I had really been looking forward to, which was spending time with Corey. Lesson learned. Well, mostly learned? I did try to stop cheating and lying with seminary stuff, but I struggled quite a bit with other school stuff through high school into college. There are two other core memory stories that I shall try to share later someday (AP History test at Skyline, and Spanish History test at BYU after we were married. If I write those up sometime, I'll try to remember to come back and put the links to them). Anyway, all those thoughts were in my head as I dropped the high school kids off. Lily headed in, and I told her to pause so I could take a photo of her shoes. 

She was wearing two different shoes. This was not entirely by choice, but mostly it was. Her left converse shoe was missing, and she only has this one beat up pair of shoes to wear to school (doesn't want another pair, but I might put my force a new pair upon her soon). She asked Abi if she could wear her adidas, Abi said "sure, but I can't find the other one..." But lucky Lily - her missing converse was a left and the missing adidas was a right! That means Lily now had a pair of shoes to wear. Lily chose to wear non-matching shoes over any of MY matching shoes. How rude. I guess I don't have good style. "They're just not my type..." As she came out to the car with her mismatched shoes, she happily said "This was on my bucket list anyway!) So Abi, Lily, Stein and Eli all had me laughing on the drive to school. Abi was playing love songs. Lily likes Fictional and agrees that all the perfect boys are only in fictional novels (that were probably all authored by women...) "Don't Sweat the Technique" was the last song I played. I've had that on repeat lately when I go climbing. 
Abi loves "Lost in the Woods" and was only semi-joking as she said how it makes her so emotional! And "I Love You Too Much" too - it was funny. Stein and Eli were bantering with the girls. Eli had to ride the middle seat today. It was Lily in the middle, but then Stein couldn't open our broken door, so he went around and then Eli had to scoot and take the middle. Oh the shame! Yeah, they are all basically joking and laughing the whole ride to school. It's fun to listen to. They are good kids. 

Peter is feeling better. It was good to see him back at is regular play place and busy making lego sets. 
He even went to play at Lucy's house this afternoon, yay! Friends! A few BeReals from the college kids - Joseph in his blue shirt, blue jacket, blue jeans, with his blue car. BLUE. 
Mel at work at the Sky Room. 
Aaaand guess who got 100% on his spelling test today!!! Owen earned a lego set! 
AMAZING! And we're going to study spelling words every day now, right?? And get 100% every week, RIGHT?? You can do this! You are smart! It just takes practice. He was really excited to tell me that he got 100% after school. Like will not happen with Peter and the lego set he got for eating his pb&j, you will NOT be earning a lego set each week for your good spelling test score. I know you can do it, and I'm expecting it now! A job well done is it's own reward.

Corey and I are going to go see the next 3 episodes for date night tonight. Should be fun. 

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