Thursday, February 29, 2024

Spelling & Caring

Hello. The past two days I've been working to help Owen be ready for this spelling test, which was today instead of Friday, cause there's no school tomorrow because of Parent Teacher Conferences, yaaaay. I love Friday's off from school, don't love having to go over to the school for conferences, but it's ok. The kids are all great little students, and I didn't get chastised for not filling out weekly reading charts or not doing homework (which is part of why I don't do those things - cause they don't follow up with me or seem to care) BUT I have been working on Spelling, cause I get those papers back, and seeing scores of 3/15 and 4/15 was enough to insult my dignity that we've been working at it. Owen worked hard yesterday studying (he looks so handsome here! That's a great smile Owen!)

Owen, you missed "conceal" AGAIN! He's missed that one every day, haha.

Conceal, conceal, conceal, conceal, conceal - I have him write the words he misses 5 times. 

Everyday he's had to write it out 5x - and he showed me after PTCs today that he got his first 100%!! And he missed conceal again, haha, that's funny. 

He's been working hard though, so that's ok by me. Just that one wrong, but got +1 on the bonus words, which equal 100%. Next milestone we're going for is a legit 15/15 for the spelling words he's actually being tested on. 

Katharine has been cute and funny today. She likes to get into Corey's night stand and play with his earplugs, asthma inhaler, and other things, it makes me laugh. 

Feeding them to her doll. She is a good little mother to her doll and her puppy, 

Swaddling them in the chair, admiring her baby's sweet little ears (video here) and caressing their heads. 

Baby girls are so sweet. Little boys are too - Cute little P yesterday morning, had another floor #2 accident, it was allll over the floor in front of the toilet. But hey, as long as it's not on carpet, I don't mind. And no carpet or bedding, that's no problem at all. 

Climbing is going well, it's fun and I love it. I did FIVE V3 sends - Blue 1x, Red 1x and Purple 3x, I had 4 other V3 attempts (couldn't get the hot pink today) but still glad I did 5 V3s. Yesterday I just did a 30 minute morning walk, and cracked ice bubbles. I've been a little frustrated with my weight lately - wondering if stress from the wedding is making me hold onto fat? In at attempt to get some endorphins going, yesterday I also went on an hour+ ride on my silver bike up the canyon on the road. It was good. I'm excited for warmer weather. We're not there yet, but glad I can get out on the road sometimes. Oh, also I'm loving 2 Nephi 9!! Esp verse 15 - we've got to be ready for that Great and last day!!! And verse 22 - we want to be able to STAND before him. We'll have to come before him, and better to stand and look Him in the eye than to be squirming and trying to run away and command the mountains to cover us and our sins. 

I'm really enjoying studying the Book of Mormon at the kitchen table and marking it all up like crazy, really digesting it! I love it. I went to the Jordan River temple tonight to do initiatories. It's good, we are seeking the Lord's blessings and miracles in our lives.

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