Friday, March 1, 2024

Side by Side Pictures

I've been doing wedding prep stuff today. I was chit-chatting with a neighbor (Maralee) at church and she asked how wedding stuff was doing. I mentioned that I've mostly been frazzled about centerpieces and the dinner. She mentioned that when she went to a wedding for another neighbor's kid (Debbie W) there were side by side photos of the newleyweds at different ages of their childhood as part of the center piece and how it was so fun to see those and read what was on the back. 

I told Lisa about that and that I wanted to try and do it. Lisa has been sending me pics of Bella, so today I texted Maralee for some clarity of what was done, she sent that picture above (she took one at the reception so she could remember to do it for her kids' weddings). Debbie really did a great job. I was inspired. I don't think I can gather quotes, but I've been using screenshots here on my lap top and Microsoft Paint to make some side by side pics! Isn't this cute!!?!?!

Little Ethan and Little Bella! So I'm working on those, yay, I think I'll be able to make enough for the tables easily (like 12) and then we can put extras in other places at the dinner or reception. I worked on place cards today, I'm writing them by hand in two colors, I think it will look pretty good. 
So got that done, yay. Still some stuff to do. Dinner is next Friday evening. I'm keeping my sanity at the moment by climbing. Yesterday I put out on facebook that I had a guest pass if anyone wanted to go, I didn't have any takers for Feb but Terry, who has been helping me with the wedding, said she could today! So didn't use February's but one of our March passes is already gone, but that's ok! I took ODP with us and said Sister Gilbert is coming, who is the activity day leader for Owen and Daniel. I told Daniel last night that she was coming with us and he jumped up and down adn cheered "Yes!!!" followed by "...cause I need to talk to her about some stuff..." haha, totally made me laugh. I texted that to Terry and she got a good laugh too. I belayed her and the boys. Me belaying Owen...
It was her first time ever going and she did really great. Me belaying Peter - 
At the end I showed her a few boulders while the kids played in climbing with neighbor (my hands were still wasted from yesterday tho) Some were new, but did a few in the OG, after one attempt I was able to do the hot pink V3! I did two attempts but didn't get the red V3. She took this pic of me - 
I didn't look at tough and awesome as I felt. That's a hard one though, I'll get it soon. Corey and I went out to India House for our date tonight, good comfort food. Wedding is next week, I don't feel quite ready but here it comes anyway, so the comfort food was needed and appreciated. 

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